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About hw97k

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    Born Hunter

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  1. thanks for your lovely comments missed the banter to.its the best site bar none .all I need now is the weather to buck up!
  2. well I knew id be back it was earlier than expected.got rid of my hw97s in may coz of the arthritis kicking in,a little heavy for my wrist after a while.still had my permissons though and did a lot of bird watching and getting close to the wildlife with the cameras,so no rabbits at all since may.still mooching with the terrier getting them that way,something was missing so off I goes and gets a new hw95k .22 cant believe how light and super pointablity these are zerod in today and got a lovelly big rabbit this afternoon so the games back on and its good to be back.
  3. thanks for the replies lads of course ill still pop in now and again ,but it also reminds me of what i cant have.i had a walk this morning and felt a bit lost at first but just being out seeing and spotting wildlife is a gift in its self.this photographing lark is mind bogging with all the techno stuff involved,a bit off subject but ended up getting a panasonic tz20 for everyday stuff and a panasonic fz150 bridge camera for the serious stuff,then hopefully move on to the slrs.anyway cheers again lads speak to you soon.
  4. well its time to sadly say goodbye to all of you.my airgun days are over,the arthritis in my arms and hands as got so painfull its very hard for me to shoot accuratley and cocking the hws well enough said.tried a pcp but the pains just the same in my elbows.so it saddens me deeply and i feel totally lost now my guns have been sold with all the gear,but a new cameras hopefully the answer for some serious wildlife photography,ill still be shooting but this time theyll be seeing another day.thanks to all of you for your informative and camardary posts and of the banter that ill sorely miss.thanks
  5. sorry pal not able to but its as new mate.
  6. hi lads 3 month old hw97k .177.with warranty card ,only had 300 jsbs through her.spot on at 11.40,comes with hawke airmax 3x9x50.5 tins of jsbs in 4.52.a camo backpack gunbag.all mint as new.wanting £350 face to face only in lancs.cheers for looking.NOW SOLD
  7. left handed so the hw for me .shot the prosport,i even bought one,and got good accuracy even though its a right handed stock.bit awkward to use for quick hunting scenario.best looking guns the aa springers in my opinion but nothing beats my hw97k .177 and .22,proper guns for proper purposes.going to get buried with mine.luv em.
  8. not a critisism mike just looked that way.good job all the same.fair play to your efforts.bet you dont try it on the pcp though ha ha.
  9. it doesnt look like its sat in the stock mate.looks like its sat on it.
  10. cheers for the replies lads.had both cals in the hw97k range ,love the .22 ,but slipped and went tits up and smashed the .177 on the stone flags.never shot the same after i fettled everything,cost me a bit to.new stock etc etc.so part exed it for a new one.going to use the jsbs .always used superdomes in german barrels but got to say jsbs are better in every way ,faster more power ,flatter trajectory.and a damn sight dearer too!
  11. just picked up my hw97k in .177.opened her up and must say ,no shitty spring ,no over greasing,and bang on the money with jsbs 4.42,at 11.40.waited 4 weeks ,so glad its how it should be.heard mixed comments about the standards recently,but mine must be a one off.
  12. tps nephew lives around the corner from me and he has some wheatons.
  13. dont mind the cold,as long as im stalking,its the freezing driving rain what i hate.better than being stuck indoors whatever the weather.
  14. good luck with the new gun simon .to be honest i never use my .177,much anymore.thanks to youre advice 12 months ago . enjoy my friend.
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