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dan 7

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Everything posted by dan 7

  1. any one need help or any one know where can get good recipes
  2. looking for good recipes for pigeon pie or pan fryed pigeon to try to show my misses how good a meat it is. can any one help (p.s will need all info on recipes as cooking is not my best skill dan
  3. i do know it is a bit of a over kill for a lab to pick up at air gun range but i shoot air rifle, work part time on a farm shoot and help beating and going for shotgun cert this year so will train to do all this have a friend that breeds lab and have a good and long working back ground so hope thiswill be ok many thanks dan
  4. can anyone list the thing i need to do to train a puppy lab to retrieve rabbits nad birds and stay still when iam shooting thanks dan
  5. iam looking to get a lab for a retreaver for my airgun shooting but have some question need help with 1) can i keep in home or is it best to be outside 2) what color is it best to go for many thanks dan
  6. hi everyone iam dan iam 22 and from somerset you have a great site hi and bye dan
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