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Everything posted by clint

  1. This be going on years, this is why most farm say 'NO'. Do favor & rid this peoples, they ruin thing for us.
  2. sorry i check, i 3 feet & 8 inch (44 minimum)
  3. I do jus same , only differ ,i keep stick same , only use vacum belt for band, so can ajust up & down, where i need (stand or sit). Also crush ( my is thin steel tube , with plast green outer like you) botton to stop mud go in, also make better to stand up.
  4. maybe, i notice lite off, then on ! But still i laff talk english clint,everyone knows now you talk bollox. I would like to state,constituency speaking as it were, without been too diverse or deviant, the coheirs of the matter been in equilibrium to the static force, been in conjunction to the parallel situation, to which we speak. Your trying to say, quite hypothetically i may constitute, that i consider as a helpful gesture forward another figure in society, that i may be speaking in an alien dialect , not antiquating that am i correct in presuming , you are trying to influenc
  5. maybe, i notice lite off, then on ! But still i laff
  6. I see this, friend send me. Have look I almost pee self with laff
  7. Is alway good to get input from other side of world. have fun
  8. http://www.thorntonbreakers.co.uk/ http://www.a14x4.com/ http://www.equicar.co.uk/enquiry.php http://www.cylex-uk.co.uk/company/northeast-4x4-spares-13820949.html
  9. clint


    4 sheep per acre , you need 100 sheep to make worth doing.Last year make £100 each ! walk in.
  10. Might be worth messaging him on stalking directory, he doesn't seem very active on here any more G I go see, Thank you sir.
  11. clint


    Here is day at silverstone with porsche club Uk, A ride with a true gent Mika H..enjoy http://rides.webshots.com/video/3019483630101768910ALhtwF
  12. where the bloody hell you ? you no read mail
  13. Just look at some of the communities that are in this country! They've got everything here in the UK to show them, yet the majority of them still have a backward way of thinking. If they can't get up to scratch whilst living in this country, what hope have we got trying to force democracy on them by bombing them? It just don't make sense to me. It no make sence to anyone. They chose to live like so, so we mus respect & leav alon, as so. Only problem , in reality , they kill millions of young peoples in europe with dirty drug, heroin,cocane. This mus be STOP !!, since coi
  14. This is alot of cat, look how big
  15. The big problem with this peoples are education ! They will always fight, they fight each other, smash & destroy all. They are plain stupid, you cannot educate stupid ! They forget all,they trust no one, it will take many generation to see thru diffrent eyes. When colition has all gone, they will smash all up & go back to dust , with water from well & look to mohamed for better life They forget he dead !! He no help now They are plain stupid, brain all wash away.Is real shame, they could be live so good in there country, instead of look elsewhere.They country is un mined &
  16. They are in dark age, If they relly think they win, they are more stupid than they look !! Maybe 10,000 so far, no give BJ again
  17. plenty 8 shot about. maybe still make, rare 12,16 & 25 like roci hors poo !
  18. Great family to deal with, is very good fellow, Thank you for the drink & see you sometime again ,i hope. Clint :)Best wish to you all.

  19. Chart at http://www.gunsreview.com/shotguns/beretta/silveressential.html says: "The use of steel shot cartridges is not recomended in both over-and-under and side-by-side shotguns with fixed chokes." If this gun not have screw chokes, I would use some Bismuth shot.
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