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Everything posted by clint

  1. clint

    vet prices

    , They cheek to charge for general drug £30 + for general anibiotic. If we need know any info on dog or animal health , we ask here, dog same as human only less wieght, for medication. Ask you doctor, or No1 site for care of animal here, is very good peoples here helpful vet & fee .
  2. haha hehe you steal my avtar. haha

  3. sound like you have a dream.
  4. How is you today, well i hopes. ;)

  5. If she a real lady ,with woman hormone is good. mus be able to laff, cry, cook,hunt, love chilren & is man bes friend,Like pussy cat, gentle lovin, until upset, than change to Tiger. Good looks is bonus also . If woman like man who drink, smoke, swear, fight..... :sick:
  6. No custom here, just reliablity i once spend £700 on custom part to make 10/22 gun shoot clean. Then i buy Ceska zbrojovka @ half cost !
  7. nice outfit, do you find 1kg of black tape affect anything ! result
  8. It also depend what you do.... fill freezer or hunt paper . A bolt fill my cool room niiiiiice. 243 smaller calibre , try swede or 300
  9. I have also this rifle, it shoot 120-139 -142, with little adjustment to 300metre. POI 1" @ 100metre /4" 300metre. No problems with factory ammunition, or reload super rifle.
  10. Cameron stop it all ! I see this on another forum,maybe you like this to read. It make sence to stop all this money go out of Uk.The peoples send ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ home each year, why give more ?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cameron: Overseas aid is taxpayers money not yours! David Cameron is wrong to insist that the £9 billion ‘overseas aid budget’ should be “ring fencedâ€. At a time when the people of this country are facing great hardship,
  11. Look like good day,with children. who go ? http://www.hdfairs.co.uk/great_north_country_fair_home_page.html ooooooops wrong place
  12. I ask about tis some time ago, if you have reason you can have. Itexplain to me, most small calibre rifle ,22-223/243 most land which is already for shoot, is passed for this calibre. so not many problem for smaller calibre , experiens help also as man say, he have SGc for many years & no problems.Ask, what you loose ?
  13. clint

    the sun

    Some peoples pazzo :crazy: , why they do this i no understand. We have 3 goat stabb, no reason ,just sick :sick: people around. No man or woman enuff to say to people what is problem !! I call such peoples coward , some year ago, these peoples get shot, for be so.
  14. I use BLC-2 is alway accurate, also Vit 133 good.
  15. non is light weight ,unless get small batteria, best lamp is clueson sl2 for me, with 7amp batteria. With good batteria will last 2 & haf hour on/off,it no 'spook'all field.
  16. lamp is good, better quality than light force & switch has no trouble, only thing coil cable , stretch out after long use. come with filter , red or orange , for 1/2 price of lightforce .Is good for look over 5 acre field, easy.
  17. A friend gave me jean which too big for him, from wickes DIY, camo work jean, very very strong & comfertable. Is bes i see. Go look name is call 'Dickie' http://www.wickes.co.uk/Dickies-Combat-Trousers/invt/169084
  18. clint


    Some peoples have brain like worm in sun, all dry out & no use !! Still no exuse
  19. Depend where you are, if in country side go to reputable sale agent, ask to be consider for buy new lease, when available. Have good £££££.00 ready, is no cheep . Also you have to manage & raise amimal for shoot. No you expect animal to be there. http://www.woodlands.co.uk/
  20. Children are tuff little people, they alway see who right & wrong eventually, is an instinct thing.Sometime this backfire on mother atlater date! Let as friend said ride the journey,& know you are better. Never refuse child to accept a day out for fun, never do anything in anger in front of child or in public . Things will be good. Is shame so many child suffer like this & with benefit & bonuses lost from father side of family. It be easier for child to have more extend family for look after child, & all the benefit that come with , like more Christmas & brithd
  21. I mail similar wrap well, take wood from barrel & they collect & post in 1 day !! no one is better , post as 'sport equiptment'. http://www.my-postbox.co.uk/6.html use for all parcel, is very good price, from any place uk to anyplace uk
  22. For sure there is a god , you see every day, but you no notice Be sure to pray, pray hard when you see this flikker, becaus if this god disapear you are are fooked !! The sun shine my friends, there is only ONE God. keep our god safe He give us all we need
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