See what happen when bstd try him luck, he get what deserve. Maybe another grave to pi$$ on now !
This is free to you, as i have x2 .You must have 100 post
Is good for EES or similar coat dog, is super comb for brush all dead matt hair way ,keep coat good & is super quality knott buster comb.
If you like say here. I draw name from hat sunday. Then i post to winner.
good luck
Tikka 595 .243 , super lovely rifle ,very acccurate& thread 1/2"unf .Is better than new T3 & £495 +RFD @ £15. If interested PM please. i mail picture.
When you go hungry, real hungry, you use instinct. Also you mind think differend. When you have do dangerous thing & be safe is natural.Is call survival.
Mr Bear ,also Mr mear too fat, is never go hungry.
Is very sad to hear, some time priority should take eplace. Friendship, family support & life matter is top of list. Material thing is no important,why cry over spill milk ! i hope they sort out. Take horse blinker off & see wide vison
With all restriction in place to make farm & live on land ,is very difficult to get start. Maybe one day, good government see sebce & allow freedom to uk peoples as, other counrtry. Then buy land & live . Maybe this man have answer, maybe !
Some time acciden happen, some time peoples mus defend . Over period in time , all this no happenin 5 minute like film !!
maybe nintendo peoples see like so
Is very competive market, mos retail supply contact you soon. I sure we wish you every sucess . good luck
Lousy advice I'm afraid Clint. Dogs are NOT "the same as humans only less weight". They can react very differently to drugs, including antibiotics. Giving a dog a smaller dose of a drug designed for humans is likely to do more harm than good.
No way am I defending vets' pricing, but sometimes you have to accept that the b'staard has got you by the short and curlies.
hello, is no advice. Is my opinion i make.