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Everything posted by clint

  1. Is for sale - item http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190458248846&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp5197.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D190458248846%2B%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1
  2. Hey the food & vino sound very tempt. maybe when weather good, i remind you & come for weekend,bring tent, caravan for family & gun to hunt :)

  3. clint

    Lady no happy

    Is good here my friend. ciao
  4. I so happy, for many year i wish to have this rifle, & to day my good friend collect me rifle of dreams. Now i go play for short while.. http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/live-firearms-and-shotguns/lee-enfield-no5-303-jungle-carbine/prod_177.html No5 lee enfield jungle rifle 303 calibre, good pig & large deer gun.
  5. On news it say most yun lady not happy with way they look, always mus look like filma star or pop sinner. Maybe if the yun lady who not happy with looks, work like pop sinner, or movie star & go to jim, & work little harder ,like they idol, maybe they look like them, slim attractive , very sessssyy. In stead of look like umpa lumpa , & eat schit from fast food shop. All lady i see shop shop shop, are this crazy. Need to cook more good fresh food, & keep exersise by clean schit ole house they like in !! & no be educate from germy kyle (where is planet this peoples from)
  6. If it fun, it always worth do again..
  7. When i was boy, i sneeze or coff to cover noise from air pistol when shoot from bedroom window, so father no hear
  8. hope this help, is good Italian gun . http://www.euroguns.co.uk/acatalog/LINCOLN.html http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/shotguns/259888/Lincoln_Premier_Basic_shotgun_review.html http://www.shootingtimes.co.uk/guns/shotguns/105374/Lincoln_Premier_20bore_shotgun_review.html
  9. Wildcat mod is very eay to clean, as all modrator. screw apart, soak in white spirit for day, & wash clean, no scrub, no hard work. I put copper greese on thread & put back to gether. simples.Work perfik.
  10. Thank you for offer.I was a little in rush & had to buy for the night. I very grate ful .regard
  11. i have nothing to say, i just come look with jaw drop,toung hang out & pant......... pmsl

  12. Fill her crack & then take to shop
  13. I think rabbit no look too good after froze with skin/furry on ! best clean good, & fridge for day or 2 maybe.
  14. cluson lamp (2 bulb )& battery pack, 500,000c/p kit want. If you have contact please .PM
  15. Will be good if keep cool. pluk all fether off chest,to base of wings, Cut down the breast bone ,take 2 large steak off & throw rest to dog. put meat in bowl under cold water, run water thru until crital clear (1-3 hour) drain, keep in fridge 24 hour before cook, or freeze. goooooooooooorgeos , is like a best beefy
  16. Try 120555070207. HH very good.
  17. Big stron man like you tb is sore no lucky man this time..i give you this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nice bigga smile
  18. When come to semi-auto Italian or Russian Bakail. You no regret.
  19. Toyota very much ££ , I see many ford/mazda double cab. What is engine of this, man in garage say Transit engine , is this correct?
  20. My boss farmer geof, say he treat me to bigger car i need for carry dead animal , i look at nissan,toyota, mazda & ford , but now head ache . Which you have & try, mus be good on diesel & be 4x4, be able to take ifor william back.Thank you
  21. I hear chineese, have develp Viagra eye drop. It no make them , make love any better. Jus make them all look hard as F88K !
  22. Any Italian gun is better than Turk 301 bomb proof, last forever.Russian also very strong - bakial
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