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Everything posted by clint

  1. I wouldnt do that mate, we will just have to support even more of the feckers in the welfare system do not let them joke with you, back home land they have top car, big big castle house & many fields with slave worker, they no poor. Uk make very rich them.
  2. wow, very testicle & well writen. Thanks
  3. i agree this is perfect for airrifle. light, powerful & easy carry.
  4. I think marine find out wrong way to treat 50 cal rifle..ouch !
  5. hello, is good order ? if so ,i have please.
  6. Notis how moslom work, they no shop in christian or jew shop, unless for cheep bargain,only late at night(so friend no see) for throw away bargain (reduce price item). If you do as you strongly feel, NO shop at moslom shop or shop who supply from moslom shop. I always say 'treat as you treated'. If moslom no money from you, thing soon change. Only do what you beleiv in !! When wife in clinic for baby, moslom woman no see anyother doctor or nurse unless moslom. You can ask for same treatment, moslom or chritan, Is best to have beleif in what we do & say. I no church fanatic, but i beleive
  7. simples this to resolv,if no pay in sysytem for tax & help other. No claim ! Maybe if UK like New zealand, must have sponsor, or be financial ok to support self, until work is available.Then pay in to system as other have also do for many years Burka offensive to western world for see, is ugly & no good people use. You walk into bank with motorbike helmet on, or passport area in airport, they tell you to remove.Europe & Uk, for beautiful lady , no ugly burla lady.
  8. If peoples who descide to change country for better life, also change they attitude , & habit to conform to better life , in they country go. This include, rubbish bin for old passport , to keep new UK i.d . Any who go against new life, jail for treason & send home, NO EXUSE .Why try make new country into same dusbin they run from !
  9. I no need to explain this is perfection
  10. big hunter 12 is a great repellent flies women you name it is any good for motherlaw
  11. There is 'skin so soft' avon lady bring. Also sandal wood oil & citronella from shop, 1 dab here 1 dab there, you cured you no longer fly food.
  12. all boob is good, no need to rapp up , as always fresh !! unless you like like this
  13. clint

    take a look

    SGS , you be caught on camera
  14. The tennant has the rights , when crop or meadow is damage by pest, tennant farmer has authority to allow the cull of.. Clay shoot total difrent, becas of noise from gun etc, & sound travel, you may have to get tempory licence to allow shoot clay on regular basis.Is possible land also have rights to shoot from syndicate. Ask local game keepers, they best of knowlege.Offer to help keeper out http://www.bssc.org.uk/dox/28%20Day%20Rule.pdf so maybe best inform NT & syndiacte you intend to carry out pest control, with authotrity from Mr Farmer, this scover you azz.
  15. Today i buy pengwin bisquit for my girls, & dogs . I open packet, 1st is plastic aroun all bisquits, then is plastic aroun 6 bisquit, twice. then plastic aroun bisquit again. what is this obseson with rap everything in plastic ? Is uk company have free plastic to wrap everything ! Is everywhere, i see, plastic ,plastic & more plastic .
  16. I use this, is very warm for winter & comfert -Dublin Yardmaster . In summer - wickes welly. I never slide , super grip. http://www.equestrianclearance.com/weatherbeeta/dublin_yardmaster_stable_boots/index.html
  17. Go for advice above, rimmy too much power indoor for gun. Roof damage & farmer maybe sad, if ricoshet, you very sad also. IT hit you !! any airrifle will be good & goggle, for dust maybe.
  18. I use black cloth & tear into many pieces , throw over ground & bush(crow decoy) also place plastic owl in field. Hide by bush with 12bore , use crow call. This is so much fun, many,many crow rook come , is possible shoot many many bird.
  19. http://www.bdfa.co.uk/ go se , is a beautiful place. Maybe 600 deer here, some very hansom stag also. come & enjoy with family
  20. Clint I hate to be the one to break this to you mate but £2 each or 3 for £5 means you are being seen off Is good price ,yes. I sell all , everytime, 3-4 hour work shoot & clean £100+ maybe once/ twice month. Everything i shoot for table, if no need. I no shoot.
  21. Where on the site are the details Clint? Is best to e-mail & enquire for free admission.I will check.
  22. is time for cold beer, i work hard all week, i ache & tomorow is off day. I chase children , make nadia smile & have fun. so have good weekend & keep smile.
  23. LACS is this clown who sit in city centre & say fox & wildlife control should be ban. I see these people in city with picture of dead animal, on table . children & mother walk around, is no good to see for them. This peoples crazy, should be lock up. stupid student some
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