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Everything posted by clint

  1. No filter, keep lamp out from animal eye.
  2. Occasion here & there,always N yorks/ cumbria, i contract for cut & spray , farm machine repair also anythin , build home & escort !!
  3. Here few picture of animal i see when drive thru on tractor, i know you like so enjoy. Here is boss
  4. Roo light much better manufacture than lightforce & very good switch , can also ajust light to spot http://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/proddetail.asp?prod=NiteStalker180&cat=172 Is superb for dog running,becas so bright, & lon distant. if you shoot use cluson, SL2 . http://www.cluson.co.uk/productsMain.aspx?CI_ID=5
  5. Is it over confidence or stupidity. If you not sure .. DO NOT DO !!
  6. If pest, nusance or danger to wildlife or may cause diseas, help you self. You have tried to move bird off, with little success . Fill you freezer, but.....no not waste. print off this , just if wildlife man come to correct him goose licence.pdf
  7. What damage is fox do ? If you no see damamge or destruct anywhere, why you wish to kill fox which not there ? If you see damage or if for egsample you have dead chicken, then cull fox ! When you hunt rabbit , after clean ,keep all intestin & belly rubbish, put in bucket & keep with lid on. Put bucket in area of fox ,take lid off ! wind blow smell across field, you sit wait 100metre away & squeek, with split leaf .When you see fox....booooooom Problem solv
  8. Alcohol in 1 drink is forbidden, in tea is ok. I see many moslom drink whisky & brandy , in tea 50/50
  9. clint


    Ideation , we agree . Only time is left on ground,is fox bait, inside of rabbit only , meat too good for fox.
  10. clint

    4 X 4

    here this give you idea http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/141228-whats-the-best-4x4-for-lampin/
  11. clint

    How many rabbits

    Depend wich side of feild or moor we go, some time 2. some time 100 , in month with 8/10 outs 300 rabbit average, all go to work men club £2 each clean , £5 for 3.
  12. Why would we want to do anthing about the Irish blowing up a few limeys? And why do you use a picture of your wife's arse for an avatar? You can't be proud of an arse like that ! and why would we bother about 9/11,pity you werent there THIS NO GOOD !! Please sirs.. This is too direct & upset people
  13. If we all comune with the 'word accord to queen' & clintoism. I promise bulk buy ammunition, so distributed at low cost to desiple,stock many field with pig & goat for hunt & huge party BBQ every month, with many polish twin pole dancer at best age. (If wifey watch here i be dead ) All donaton, please ship to > Word accord to Queen clintoism house clint street CL1 NT for this You will see many virgin in heaven, & be welcom by twin sister .
  14. They have Create situation.Maybe if we all have one god ! I start new religion 'play this all day,in place of worship to brainwash head ' my NEW religion call ' The Word accord to Queen' Clintoism wud be nice
  15. yes you correct as alway, very sad. Havin idealation is good, with SOME ! If only we could all have view from you same specticles And your point was . . . . . . ? 1- You menton moslom ? This is how you think ! where i mention ? 2- If was perfect world, you idea good . As we all diffrent, it no work.
  16. yes you correct as alway, very sad. Havin idealation is good, with SOME ! If only we could all have view from you same specticles
  17. I NO want to 'get it'..I HAVE SEEN & DEAL WITH 'IT ' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-10844915 Maybe you go & tell them they norty boys i think they listen to you
  18. You HELP THEM BUILD CITY, MODERNISE COUNTRY & give give give, they BEG YOU TO HELP & THEN kill , kill , kill.. This is a charity free organisaton to help moslom people, free eye test , medical help & they shoot all peoples YOU STILL WANT TO GIVE THEM YOU MONEY !!!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/7412934/Pakistan-six-charity-workers-killed-in-Taliban-attack.html
  19. clint

    feckin xmas

    Why they want to rush life away, take time & enjoy. They sprinkle glitter, & shop collect bullion $$$$ .This is for fool !
  20. I was in field last nite cut crop , maybe 01.25 hrs, clear sky, full of star & red blue & yellow lines,like sky rainbo, was very pretty. I shud maybe take foto
  21. All instagate from dog hater , head of dept . This man 0rganise all cruelty to dog & kill millions ! http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/2160310.council_set_to_police_citys_lost_dogs/ from dog love culture also. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/community/communityasian/asiannews/963688._I_m_still_terrified_of_dogs___says_Rukhsana/
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