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Everything posted by clint

  1. Is from 1 hour before dark & 30 minute after dark. When bird area quiet & look safe. After pigeon & all other bird roost, & comfertable.
  2. Go 1/4 or 1/2 & leave in, you soon get comfertable. The tighter the patern the better the distans.
  3. secret to good hunt, No rush ! is wind in front of you ! No sudden movement ! well done, plenty practice, make true sniper
  4. Tool- post hammer, Good - Very good to put post in ground, with ease. Bad - No rubber handle grip for take shok from ,use !!! ouch after 20/40 post (shoulder drop off)
  5. All my bud bottle leak ,i go to plumb shop for nut to seal. Screw on & take off when use. Like this item > 130418507651 . Plumb shop £2
  6. I use ultra sonic, clean , simples & with lid of flash floor clean in warm water, all case come very clean.
  7. Hijos de V. Aramberri is registered as Victor Aramberri and Sons. Victor Aramberri & Sons went out of business quite some time ago. I am not familiar enough with this maker and would just add - judge the gun not the name - Like most Basque makers they made a range of guns from entry level basic to very good & supperb. Take the gun apart and the information you will need regarding proof marks, chamber length, chokes and serial number will be on the water-table and the barrel flats. Spanish manufacturer's proof-mark site :http://web.jet.es/rafa/b_punzones_larga_lisa.html Spanish Year
  8. Maybe he have spare £10 & Go shop @ local Dunne store, for comfort cloth.
  9. I have this gun for shoot pigeon, but i no use so much now, is 2 year old, 26 inch barrel, with 3 & half inch chamber, will shoot 12 cartrage ,in secons. Is very fun rifle. is like new , as my bes rifle. For sale £700. I also advertise in magazine .rifle is black & low recoil
  10. buy recharge battery from you know where & charger, & this lamp with '8' mount. You no need anythin else. http://www.dinodirect.com/led-flashlight-ultrafire-u90-cree-xr-e-r2-2-mode-260lumens/AFFID-51.html?cur=GBP
  11. Also depend where you go, sometime best take ££ to country you visit, becas they love ££ Uk. I was get £1.00= E1.44 In holand exchange bank.
  12. Thank you This what i need, as you say most i use no very good.
  13. I do some very good hunting around N NewZealand ,gisborn for cull possum & pig,rusa & samba, very rough hill & very hard work, to get animal. Ok, live there, but meat no good after 30 hour fly
  14. I use for fire log cut. try item > 230511342647
  15. I suprise they alow use shotgun on expensive grass . some no like shoe on grass ! I shoot local golf park at well known beer factory, only allow upto 223, for what may be there, & no walk ,mus use golf bugy.
  16. I don no if top handle name, i buy this, i superb if have elecric close.Unbelivable !! http://www.homebase.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=20001&partNumber=239487&c_3=3%7Ccat_14418843%7CChainsaws%7C14418848&c_2=2%7Ccat_16849334%7CLawnmowers+and+garden+power+tools%7C14418843&c_1=1%7Ccategory_root%7CTools%7C16849334
  17. Howdy.Never thot be many there pigeon in Nu York state, but hey , happy huntin
  18. what you favorit scotch drink I like htis , friend buy me
  19. I no see this foto for many year, was taken in Australia . This is why myxmatosis, why develp. In this picture maybe half million rabbit. http://www.theaustraliantrapper.netfirms.com/plagues.htm
  20. This is best i see, keep bstd away.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDrzMGdYWZc
  21. 'Ralf' if male, 'Hawker' for lady. Strong sound name, for attension.
  22. This no sound to me like you see too oft , maybe i mistake. Use method i say, or similar, you suseed. Fox also like bad made pizza from take-away..good bait
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