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Everything posted by clint

  1. bootin her back doors in/hinge off back door=anal...not my cup of tea :nea: but if it was that and nothing else with cheryl tweedy and she asked nicely i'd oblige :tongue4: oh i understan now, she kink too ! back flip, 68.99 , & doglet ok, no back door for me I place her in heaven , no hospital
  2. :laugh: i know the feeling kay, i see you do 18,000 post.Go paint ball, go from house
  3. you have pm. If was las weekend we have celebration, with 3 band, BBq, clay shoot , rifle competition & kid fun & many people come to party. You have pm, call when convenient, to see area, let bird fly .
  4. For you budget buy BSA, all part easy to get, easy to tune, light & reliable. BSA lighteneing xl tactical in .22 http://www.bsaog.co.uk/forum/index.php
  5. any mud, grass, leaf or snow can do this, if go in barrel end. Is better barrel burst (week place), than blow face off , by come down barrel!!
  6. Take fire pin out, & grind small amount (1mm)off pin shoulder , on front edge. use bench grinder with good wheel, be very careful ,no get hot ! keep metal cold, with dip in water. This make pin come thru bolt extra 1mm , no misfre
  7. Is very easy to strip. 1- unscrew forend cap, take off. 2- take wood forend & barrel off, take spring & brass ring off. (remember wich way brass ring come off) clean tube were spring go ,must be smooth. 3- nok 2 pin out from trigger base( trigger complete unit)take out. this is all you need to do. clean all with oily rag, wipe down well , clean any rust with plastic scour pad. good spray every place with lub oil (not WD40)wipe surplus off with oily rag, & put back to gether, same way as take apart.use small piece of clean rag , with string attach to drop down barr
  8. If you have good reason, you can have what you wish. Great country for this is UK. If you have no good reason , Why have !! FLO mus think he have good reason , also have or not.
  9. Before any joke be fly about, i wish you to know she safe ,in good arms, & warm bed this evenin, be confort, aft divorse. . So, please have respect, she single & you maybe have next week, for now she here very safe. Be nice ... She ask...(I not no fraze) 'kick back door hinge off'. What shud i do ?
  10. clint


    wow, now this is some boast. You mus be hun like an 'Italian stallion'
  11. So big pu$$y eat, small pu$$y. I have vidio of feture film some place .
  12. clint


    Was this you, incontinent man !! with face like cholate melt leppor, why you walk around market scare ol lady ,dress like so ? change a you diper, yun man
  13. hard hit, with good distans 36gr no6 & 32g no5, old rotweil cartrage but good, on shoot rubbis from tractor in field.
  14. i use to hide form any animal,pigeon ,goose & for snipe deer also.
  15. i amased you do with such low load, you do very good.
  16. clint


    if light force cud be anything, is simple tho. Check switch, then for break in wire,then bulb. Need small tester from shop, or maybe you go round in circle.
  17. hello, i send mail in box to you.
  18. why waste time with air rifle if fac ! Go 22 rimfire or 17hmr, if small animal. Airrifle ok for plink tree rat, 28-32flb .22 alround if must
  19. you no is true, yes ? :kiss:
  20. usually where gun open you see number also, is not entred on old certificate ? maybe you see there.
  21. i have for sale, pigeon hide netting 2.5 metre x 4 metre (12x6 feet i think)£25 is very good for hide car , make tent for pigeon shoot, ot just hide, for sniping. i can also wrap & mail for you .
  22. Classes for Women at THE ADULT LEARNING CENTER REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED By September , 2010 NOTE: DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY AND DIFFICULTY LEVEL OF THEIR CONTENTS, CLASS SIZES WILL BE LIMITED TO 8 PARTICIPANTS MAXIMUM. Class 1 Up in Winter, Down in Summer - How to Adjust a Thermostat Step by Step, with Slide Presentation. Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs beginning at 7:00 PM.. Class 2 Which Takes More Energy - Putting the Toilet Seat Down, or Bitching About It for 3 Hours? Round Table Discussion. Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours. C
  23. 1- porsche 944s2 ,reason one of best car every made.fast, economical,2=2 seater, cheep insurance & wowweeeeee to drive. 2- mercedes g400cdi 4x4 - superb 4x4, good strong & unbeatable. 3- ferrari 348ts - you realy want to know why !!
  24. You should have point system, no skill, no money, no needed..NO COME !!
  25. offer still stand, so if you look to fly in N Yorks..Pm
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