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Everything posted by clint

  1. Is not all same 581 semi auto, only semi auto fit. NO bolt action ! 581 & 511 same
  2. Sound to me like most love country ,& still wish to work to keep fit , healthy. With so many job in country side on farm, some with house, why wait to win £1 000 000. Go do !! Many job with animal, & out door, rememb when winter call, is also fun. Go do, get farmer gardian paper, move go to county. live like million pound man , with no cost ..work there. All rest is bonus scenery, no over populat with peoples, fresh air,land to hunt & plent muck drive big boy toy ALSO GET PAY
  3. Intresting to see which boy/men ,single here
  4. The rule seem to change every year, buy later copy & learn all , nice person maybe copy disc for you here. I have but, cd on pc is caput , sorry.
  5. all the way, is only company who keep our sport active & in good thought.
  6. What good for 1 is good for another !! Why put fuel on fire to keep mis-understood event going ?? Only 1 god, if it go out, we all die. sun shine
  7. Thank you. With practis soon be perfec, i do 5 langage, not all good, but i try. regards to you. clint

  8. clint


    I guess if he do him self , he no of drain & level. Thank you for you helpful word
  9. clint


    prepare you base, with edge & crush in, section area 13x13, do 1 area, leave 2 day then next then next. Get fibre concrete deliver. Is better cost to get in, if you mix , it no be as good , & also you back break !!( is heavy material ) They put over house if you require , they get it in any place you need.
  10. I see now,is land of severe disadvantage. 1st drain well, dig 1 metre x 1 metre trench from top to bottom down hill, down side of wall & also trench where water collect, around edge of field, possible also put in soakaway pipe, across middle of field & direct to side,downhill ,all 1 direction, so off !, this will keep rush & water plant down, eventually & land more balance. Spray all weed , thistle, nettle, & fertilise.Maybe plant tree down boggy area, many pine tree soak up water,or fruit tree for animal to eat also,when fall. This is all you can do. Nature always revert
  11. Maybe i read this rong, is land full of rocks, obsticle & you wish to fertalise ? I no see the reason for this.Land is hill , you may need to drain also, all goodness wash down hill . You may waste time. Why not pull out rock, & dead obsticle first? Then in 2 to 3 section, put cow to eat all, & will self fertilise, then rotate sections until grass cover you toe cap.If land so bad , what is you intension? crop ? goat also eat all to 2 metre high. if ground like marsh, goat no damage surface like cow, is light animal. depend how many acre you wish to work, donkey also good heavy dut
  12. man once give me boots, was very good but make feet sore,was too hard lether. granpap said, piss on boot & leave. I did, i think i try. After piss on boot, leather was good soft, i spoon & polish , was good
  13. is strange way to feed dog, you always tie up so eat
  14. Please tell me how do the wolf 5.56 shoot in bolt action? i used this in military auto. Is steel case ? Thank you
  15. you have fine dog, maybe you like to run on farm . regard clint ;)

  16. hi lee, its clint (ray) can you put a feedback comment on here about me, a refrence. please do not let anyone know where the farm is, also most think im a polish. dont give the secret away ..haha hehe clint :)

  17. maybe here > http://www.aushunt.com.au/main/main.php
  18. All animal shud be tret with repect .If no do damage, no shoot.why ?? All nature need balance, i think not animal falt, is human falt, becas is too many peoples, no enoff land here in Uk, too many house & road! I no area no fox at all, all extinct. Very sad. Most fox now live in city near pizza, takeaway shop under shed, where safe & peole feed like pet.
  19. go to place off the main road for permission, every person who want to shoot , ask on main road farm. it either over shot or get 'no thank lad'.get virgin land & you keep regular visit.
  20. Take you pick from chart, clik on head weight & see loads opposite. Good luck http://stevespages.com/224_5_50.html
  21. It maybe the personality of prson who apply. I no man who do post ofice robbery, he was granted f.a.c shotgun 1st application 20 years later He good guy, when yung was as police man say 'colourful'
  22. Mus be like addiction,to buy weekly. when have firs fix, need more
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