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long netter

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Everything posted by long netter

  1. pinky shut up or i will come down and clip you ok prick

  2. fox legy and dap are lamping without you mate

  3. john have you been lamping up chip on cliffs farms keep off keep out stay away learn the words mate

  4. john the fox bud has jib he was telling every one the dog was beter than tarw ha ha

  5. pink stay off morty farms he found that field first bad crack you c un t he is my mate

  6. fox wiltshire got rid of that pup to give you a chance bud will run in the nos glaon this year and should finish last all the best for next year jib jib

  7. john its roy no one if the dog goes it comes back to you same as rose do not trust anyone on hunting life still no one

  8. leggy i heard your dog is shit

  9. charlie what do you think of john cheeky b*****d

  10. soapy get out of johnys arse

  11. john i aint happy with the bitch an i aint giveing it back to you i give you rose an you earnt 200 on me cause she wouldnt lamp out of the boot stop being lazy and get out and walk

  12. any food up there butt haha

  13. fox hows the hip old butty

  14. johny you must have f****d for that red dog of mortys he showed him work and he had a panic attack

  15. fox i think bud is allright jib jib on hares from the dapper

  16. pinky going off line for afew days hope your kennels are clean the time i get back morty

  17. still up the common crying you and pardo

  18. stop crying about the common you little sh it

  19. pink nob hold you nose out side your kennels

  20. fox are you lamping tonight i got room for you mate

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