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Everything posted by templeking

  1. ihave a pup of this red x peggy 9mths old its lookin very game think it will make a good dog.chalkie has one as 2.
  2. thats right he had a 4 on his side he was a sharp dog.i ran 21 white ones at weekend with my 2 dogs an got them we got 62 in 2 days easy to catch but a real great weekend all run single
  3. yes captain 1 pup feathered an 1 smooth.father captain breed x gaskin. cheers
  4. no mate their of fast little ire bitch to a eng bred dog'7 mths old
  5. no lazy only one droped rabbit is all he has had. we got him for a few bitches we have to take pups off.nice pics of the pups on this topic..atb
  6. sounds like a good day lads hares ran fair great thats what we all want.
  7. goin 2 carlow this weekend huntin will keep a eye out atb.
  8. great lookin dogs.just right for job.
  9. these lads were caught on a wed on feb of this year
  10. thats great to see this happen at last i can put the land on for the 2 lads no probs as i no them well if it happens keep in touch
  11. well done ur pup is doin well great start for her
  12. nice pups look fast type atb with them
  13. one was tramp breed pup not sure about the other pups they had with them
  14. Heard JM had a good day 2dy in Scotland! Caught 15 or 16 white long ears with his pups.
  15. all the best in getting them home safe n sound!
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