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Everything posted by SHOTTGUNKELLY

  1. Good news we have the BBC coming out on Friday Thanks for everyones support Cheers shottgunkelly
  2. dog shat on the floor guess what i used
  3. they were waiting for the church to agree to the stones design but after 5 years of no clear answer they thought it was long enough so went ahead and fitted the headstone and now after 2 years the church wants them to remove it
  4. My nephew James died on the 7th of October 2004. He was 7 years old and had had a long struggle with terminal cancer. He laid in his grave for 5 years while my Brother (his father) waited for the Priest and the Church to give him a yes or no on the proposed gravestone. For 5 years my family had to visit a wooden cross to pay their respects and for 5 years they all waited pantiently. In the end, my Brother grew tired of waiting and went ahead and gave his son a headstone. Now, after 2 years with the stone on his grave, my Brother and his family have been told to remove the headstone in six week
  5. Furking morons happening more often these days gone are the days of having a proper fight take it like a man win or lose 
  6. Try the early learning centre I'm sure they have plenty of small animals for yer
  7. Time for change , everyone seems pi55ed off with what's going on but there's no forward movement to make the changes we want
  8. mate them bangers look good, where do you get the skins from
  9. News of the world said Top of the range air rifle costing £150.00 where the fcuk from I'd like to know look like an aa510 in the picture
  10. Teofilo stevenson awesome fighter
  11. A scouser goes on to Dragons Den and he shows them an old shotgun and gamekeepers pouch. Peter Jones says "And what's your idea?" The Scouser replies "Well it's a simple concept Peter, just put the money in the f*****g bag"
  12. Tommy Lee that's a furking joke he's been abusing his pet trouser snake for years 
  13. Now that's [bANNED TEXT] you call a rant 
  14. Smart looking dog mate How will you start the training , seen one of them lure machines for sale on eBay the other might try one myself be lucky
  15. Tinker comes from tin smiths who made pots and pans p***y is not used by us it's a racist term same as nigger Recent research said that 83% of Romany gypsy are in employment And paying taxes, basically if they are settled they are in the system and alot of those that still travel ( very few) are also
  16. She says she's a bit sore but coping well 
  17. Bare knuckle plasterer 
  18. most of the fights you will see arent proper "bare knuckle fights" there just two regular blokes who have a score to settle, one offers the other out and they fight its just the way we settle any disagreements , not every gypsy is a good fighter,but we will all have a go
  19. f**k , two threads removed in the last ten minutes Can't say anything about you gorgies shagging yer kids
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