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Everything posted by SHOTTGUNKELLY

  1. Non ejector stock approx 15 1/4"
  2. £300 Meet me half way £450
  4. if it was over the phone, you have 28 days to change your mind/cancel (cooling off period)
  5. When an air rifle is at fac power level ,ie 28 ftlbs does a .22 pellets trajectory become as flat as a .177 Cheers shottgunkelly
  6. Don't get me wrong Of all the people that have been allowed to live in this country they are top of the list But When they signed up nowhere did it say you and your extended family can move to this country They were paid to do a job
  7. Not so great when yer got 1500 or so move into the area and take every fooking job going
  8. Normally pretty good try a email to the adim
  9. The full story can make all the difference with this decision hopefully this blokes not a total cock and is trying to make the best choices for his son
  10. Sorry officer I swear I didn't know it was loaded 
  11. Well they picked on the wrong person this time Jimmys off to the European court of human rights , first person ever to take the church of England here it's also to be discussed at the house of lords Was on BBC south today & BBC radio Berkshire , if you get to listen to this you'll see/hear just what a bunch off tossers the church really are http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/p00f73ry/
  12. its on the telly 6.30 bbc 1
  13. It the kc lot theep changing the pedigree standards each year making it shorter all the time couple years ago max height was 18 in now 16
  14. Mate get yourself a blackthorn walking stick next time the dog comes at yer give it a whack the fcker won't come back in a hurry
  15. Mate that is proper cuntish Not sold any dog myself but when I sell a motor I always take a sneaky photo with me phone if they see yer doin it and don't like it I fcuk em off outta of it
  16. Hedgehogs for dinner no problem
  17. More fuel for those that want licences for air rifles But with cnuts like these who cam blame them
  18. Don't look like big Lenny in me avatar does it 
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