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Everything posted by Flamin'Nora!

  1. not keen on cane fields when they have just been cut those stalks can be like knives to a dog running through them
  2. sorry to hear that buddy fingers crossed for your hound
  3. wont be long and you will be seeing the young uns too people say the irish hare is in decline so its good to see them good pics mate
  4. its a simple question no need to be a smart ass
  5. my heart goes out to you mate its a long hard road ahead of you people say times a great healer but we dont always get enough time in this life as your sad loss prooves all the best to you and your kids for the future
  6. this wasnt about fen dogs though it was a guy worried about his lurcher asking for advice. you have made it about fen dogs not me but I thought the was in bad taste you wouldnt be jumpin for joy if your dog collapsed would you
  7. very sorry for your sad news she looks very young RIP
  8. its worth every penny if it gets your dog right mate keep us up to date what the vet says when you find out what it was see if the KIA's on here were right or wrong
  9. why the ?? would you be pleased if that happened to your dog ?
  10. very true that seen it before and run single the other dog usually comes good without the dominant dog there to intimdate it. a good reason to run lurchers single handed so you see what you have
  11. get him to the vet no one on here can tell you whats wrong with your dog and are you sure it wasnt a rabbit it was chasing
  12. click the link in kays sig or click here a very good site for info http://www.bada-uk.org/
  13. good question whats their kill rate like compared to a good strain of coursing saluki lurcher x ?
  14. at least they arent asking for lads to take them dogging boars with pitbull x lurchers or on a badger dig mind you 3 or 4 more posts and who knows on here
  15. if you like someones posts and think they deserve a thumbs up you click on the little green plus sign down the right hand side and it gives them a reputation point but this doesnt always mean nothing mate cos there is one guy on here who talks pure crap and he has about 100 i think he has a second username and just gives himself points all the time
  16. that doesnt make sense if hes that close a mate why sell yuo the dog and not gift it?
  17. great to hear you tried it on yourself
  18. I wish I hadnt watched that :sick: :sick:
  19. isnt it illegal to hunt them with dogs in the uk?
  20. its rotten that stuff like that gets "leaked" to the internet as well imagine how the family of this man feels to know there is thousands of people watching a video of him being beaten to death
  21. whats the reason why you cant keep the pup?
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