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Everything posted by Flamin'Nora!

  1. great wee ponies wish I had a bit of land to have a few again, good luck with the sale(s)
  2. I would probably ply one portion of it off and put a roof fan in so the dogs can be kept seperately and the other portion could be used for all your gear, boots, nets, ferrets, guns or whatever you use when hunting, or even turned into a bit for sleeping in if you wanted to try camping out with the dogs or hunting away from home My own van just has a spare wheel, toolbox and a bit of carpet in the back which I change every month or so, the dogs have a pecking order who stands where and they assume their various positions within seconds of jumping in, but some prefer to have crates in the bac
  3. was that for the 12th only bobba or the total bag for the 3 days? cheers
  4. sorry to hear that about your mate have a bump on me and hope he gets some good sport, it just goes to show you have to just enjoy your time as much as you can while your here
  5. I feel pretty much the same way The thing I dislike most is when bullfighting is brought up and foxhunting and coursing are lumped in along with it, this is the thing that doesnt sit well with me, and of course the antis love to lump them all together as if each thing is equally as cruel/imhumane etc when in fact theres lots of different levels of cruelty. cruelty could even be described as the little old lady who overfeeds her dog and then has it waddle along the street struggling for breath some would say that is a way of killing an animal slowly over time. Its on the far end of the scale
  6. Ive never seen it in real life, wouldnt want to either, but have watched enough videos etc on the net to educate myself. All you need is eyes in your head to see that the bull is not in an open field and therefore cannot escape (unless it manages to leap the fence into the crowd like in this news story) the bull is not killed quickly or humanely, it is instead killed slowly over 3 levels, the first weakens the bulls neck muscles and prevents it defending itself properly, the second is all about the matadors making passes to tire the bull and his gradual blood loss also weakens him, then the sp
  7. fox hunting and bull fighting should not even be put in the same sentence together after all its not as if fox hunting was ever conducted in a sealed off arena with the fox being goaded by men on the ground, or stabbed with sharp knifes in its neck and spine by a mounted huntsman. Foxes were traditionally hunted in their own home territory and afforded the chance to outrun or outwit their pursuers. A bull in a ring doesnt get that chance. Its fates sealed the moment it enters the ring. The antis love it when foxhunting, coursing, bull fighting etc all get lumped in together though IMO theres
  8. where theres a will theres a way if you wanted to breed off the bitch in years to come its easy enough to stand a smallish bitch on some slabs or blocks to allow a larger dog access to her.
  9. Its not the size of the dog in the fight its the size of the fight in the dog seen a fair few good bitches around the 21-23" mark that do their job well
  10. hope you get a good final season with him LDR
  11. theres under control and under proper control, who can really predict exactly what their dog will do on every single outing? all it takes is for a poult to pop up in the bushes and even the best trained dog might be tempted. one place I hunt has partridges and pheasants on one half which you have to walk through to get to the rabbity bit, out of respect for the birds and keepers I always put my dog on a lead and walk round the edges as far away from them as possible it saves the dog disturbing them and stops the need for those kind of conversations in the first place
  12. very smart looking pup atb with the sale im sure he wont have to wait long
  13. some good pics there optimus cheers for sharing
  14. good work and a nice write up, you airgun lads put the lurcher folk to shame, wish that section could be as civilised
  15. its bloody ridiculous, why dont they persecute old folk who have obese waddling pet dogs that can hardly walk? theres several in my street one is covered in tumours and lumps can hardly walk instead of harrassing working dog folk who by their very nature make sure their dogs lead active and healthy lifestyles!
  16. Beautiful picture bet your chuffed to bits with that J
  17. Its easier to break a horse thats been ridden to drive than one thats never been backed. The way I used to do it was start off by long reining the horse along the roads wearing the driving harness so it gets used to the feel of it, then when I was happy the horse was ok with that I would move onto the next stage, trailing some lengths of chain behind, this is best done on the lunge in a round pen or menage. Once the horse will trot round happily with the chains jangling along behind it, I would add a wooden t bar with a car tyre attatched and fit the chains to the t bar. This takes a while for
  18. well said that man! to compare chasing a hare fox or deer to armed robbery and other serious crime is absolutely ludicrous.
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