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hollands hope

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Everything posted by hollands hope

  1. luckily it all ended well. little b*****ds wont give in.
  2. Mush, if you go to configuration/settings you click on configuration. Choose the option Spanish automatic translation. Than you will see the option automatic translation choose that option than you will get a Language choice menu. Than you get an idea what its all about.
  3. Very sad to hear this. He always put a good tune up in the what are you listening thread. My condolences to his family.
  4. Had that happen to me once. Mole and weasel in the same scissortrap.
  5. I wish we had that amount of rabbits over here. Theres non left were i live, barren. (Holland)
  6. It was , but not the numbers like we had in the past. Still some hunting is done with lurchers , mostly by travellers.Secrecy is the keyword here.
  7. Thats correct , youre not allowed to use lurchers or sighthounds for drawing when digging.As the law states over here , any dog capable of pursuing and catching game like hares , roedeer or whatever will be considered and seen as longdog. So not necessarily a sighthound. Could be any breed.
  8. It´s not illegal to own running dogs , coursing hares with them is. It´s more of a keep yourself to yourself mentality over here.It is in most cases not a daytime pursuit.
  9. Very sad news indeed , rest in peace.
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