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About pjalli

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  1. ha ha ive worn white trainers in the past not a bright idea end up [bANNED TEXT] wet feet lol then again im frm boro as well lol so [bANNED TEXT] lurchers do u ave we ave a greyhound x collie and a deerhound both r excellent on the lamp, and our deerhound just ad 8 pups its absolute torture 1 ov the bitches went today another 7 to go lmao
  2. she looks a sound dog was mainly asking coz our 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie and our deerhound ave ad 8 pups and most people who we ve asked if they want to buy pups ave said they prefer some kind ov dog [bANNED TEXT] bull in i waz just wondering why ave u any ideas coz i much prefer the old fashioned type of lurcher how bout u.
  3. hiya ive had lurchers all my life and i havent heard of it either, do u have any lurchers yourself
  4. Just wondered [bANNED TEXT] any 1 thought of greyhound collie x deerhounds does people still use these kind of lurchers or has every 1 started 2 use lurchers with bull in them
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