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Everything posted by Buster321c

  1. For sales you mean Davy , or like the AAOC ?
  2. Thanks for the input , i thought ide post it , two head are better than one , and all that . Bust
  3. The short pull hammer is much lighter , thats why ive gone back to it .
  4. Been there mate , done that . The hammer polish is indeed well worth doing as it will improve the consistency and even the shout count to a certain dergee . I`ve fitted new bushes to the hammer and it is indeed a mirror finish on the rail , but the dry or lubed question raised its head again . I generally run it with the smallest dab of valve oil on , to great effect , but im running it dry once more and have gone back to my short pull hammer with a stronger , shorter spring and ali spacer to take up the slack . The spring ends are also polished , infact anu areas that may come into contact ar
  5. No , if you want to lube pellets , use pellet lube ......
  6. I certainly hear what your saying about the pcp , but im at the stage where i seem to have quite a bit of time on my hands and to be fair there`s not much i could do with it to make it better . I guess im just messing Ive changed the spring for a short , strong spring and an ali spacer , im looking for a quicker response from the hammer ..........
  7. Ive been thinking about improving the lock time on my hunter ( S410k ) I have a few ideas , any of you tried anything or have any ideas on this ? Bust .
  8. http://www.manchesterairguns.co.uk/ Cheers Gnipper , i did send the detail via pm but good of you to drop it on here
  9. Ide have smashed his fookin head in with the butt and then smacked him with the iron bar the feckin scum bag .........
  10. I would`nt have thought it expensive . The barrel and cylinder on a S400 series is about £25 if i remember correctly .
  11. Colin Malloy at MAC ( Manchester Air Guns ) is known as one of , if not the , best in the country for blueing and anodising .
  12. Mk 4 in decent working order , cash waiting , cheers
  13. Nice one Dan , dogs lookin well mate
  14. Is this for my benefit ? dont know how you would benefit from this buster but as i said.. my opinion, the lad done a deal with his brother and everyone raises there eyebrows. i just dont see a problem with it. atb.. Mick Well , as pointed out it looks `dodgy ` and if you had read the AGF thread and the many `opinions` that went with it you might understand . The way Hunter presents himself , or has done recently , has raised many eyebrows and brought alot of attention to this section , including Mods from another site , but thats another story . Quick to jump down the lads
  15. Once you have the NV adjusted right ( which can be a pain in the arse ) you need the eye relief to be as close as possible to what your use to . If you just put the add on onto a normal scope you will end up with your head too far back to rest your cheek on the butt , and not into your shoulder , making things very difficult when you shoot . Best thing is to get the smallest side wheel scope you possibly can ( length wise ) and mount it as far forward as you can , then when the ad on is mounted it wont be too far out . Also use a side wheel scope as this will aid focusing , as reaching forward
  16. I just wondered if it was the same 97 that you put in the `swaps` yesterday morning , swap for a PCP or £270 http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/190492-hw97k-swap-or-sell/page__p__1929128__fromsearch__1#entry1929128 Its a poor show screwing him with a swap like that anyway , but then to try and gain from it Steve , you need to think about the posts your making here , as they just `look dodgy ` , especially after the `AGF` thread , you certainly dont do yourself any favours .
  17. This deal you`ve struck tonight , with your brother, if i understand right you swapped a Hatsan 55 for his HW97 ?
  18. I know Geordie , i`ll have a word with him Im sure Davy will also
  19. Ye no problem mate , as Davy says , get a few posts in introducing your self and have a chat with a few guys and let me know . I have no problem recomending you .
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