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Everything posted by Buster321c

  1. If Oly can confirm the bank details with me , it will be a definate ..........
  2. Im sure this is him , as he tried to sell this crappy suit on here some time ago - http://www.airgunbbs.com/showthread.php?538666-very-nice-suit watch out the fuckn scum bag is REALLY that stupid . Mods there have been informed also .....
  3. Nice oen Gary , when we gonna see the new rifle ??
  4. I have a leapers on the MPR ( where i use the rowan mag ) its a 44mm Obj and 30mm tube , its got high mounts on mate , works just right for me
  5. ok Buster cheers mate i think i will spend some pennies then...thanks... mick If you were closer mate , you could have come out and tried mine !
  6. Yes mate , there very good You soon get the hang of it , worth every penny IMO
  7. I use one Mick , you had problems ?? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/183376-rowan-multi-shot-mags/page__p__1855122__fromsearch__1#entry1855122 Buster
  8. How about 10.8 and let it run in for a few months ......
  9. I think a service is recomended bi-anually . Your probably better taking it to a local gunsmith as I think AA are about £ for a service .If its only 18 months old then it will be anti tamper , which I think a smith will be obliged to re-place after any work is under taken. If on the other hand its only been with you for 18 months then it might be pre AT, in which case its straight forward . Anything your unsure of just ask , Buster
  10. you can get spares from the website , worth a look
  11. Whats that over there ... That idiot will never see me here .. Wet wet wet .......... Bust I can pose too... Buster just going to feed her now ....
  12. Rabbits cause damage to lawns & plants by eating & scratching. They carry fleas and can transmit diseases to domestic rabbits. In fact landowners are obliged by law to control rabbits n their land. An Order was made under Section One of the Pests Act 1954 by which England and Wales (except for the City of London, the Isles of Scilly and Skokholm Island) were declared a Rabbit Clearance Area. In this area, every occupier of land is responsible for destroying wild rabbits on his/her land or for taking steps to prevent them causing damage. This is a continuing obligation. So for the
  13. really are 177 trajectorys that much straighter? god that must make life so much easier Yes mate , they are
  14. Tyla , good on ya mate we should all take a leaf out of your book And the `kits` thing ..... I did`nt read it but i will say - I do not discriminate and will shoot any rabbit be it a week old or a year . Its called pest control , rabbits are a pest and if your not shooting them on sight they will grow and cause more damage .
  15. I have mixed feelings on this subject , althought hope you manage to get your rifle sorted Buster
  16. Thats better You say that you wrote out your milldots ? Im interested in what they are as in .177 mine is flat from 13-43 yds ... Buster.
  17. We all have differing views and opinions , and out of the 34,161 members ( as of 7:30 am this morning ) there are very few that frequent this section . How people sit back and say This sections gone to the dogs , this section aint what it used to be , this section if full of tossers blah blah blah , is beyond me . There are a handful of `regulars` that do the majority of posting in here , which in turn makes them open to most criticism . If any of you want the section to improve , the only way is to muck in and help , not sit back and say `it aint what it used to be` . Seems people are quick
  18. Well try some constructive posts to get it back on track ....
  19. Wurz , again a fantastic idea Fry , you dont change , i`ll never forget that cheesy grin Daryl , crackin pics mate , stunning , as ive said before you handle that camera very well Tony , ive taken some very ( even if i do say so myself ) good pictures of gravestones , a tweek here and there with Lightroom , and you can create some great looking pictures . Thats a point , all pictures must be as taken , no tweeking as its a bit unfair really . Bust
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