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Everything posted by Buster321c

  1. I agree with Chimp , its getting a bit much . I do my fair share , more than most , less than some , but the write up thing , it dont work for me . ANd the birthday thing , ye that WAS sad ....
  2. So one guy says that..... i read about 5 positive comments that you seem to have missed ....... To be honest i really dont care but you want everyone to say ` ye bunch of wankers ` like you wanted them to say , ` ye great shooting ` . This is just another `spit the dummy` thread .......
  3. Right , im not `Makin out ` anything , just saying what i saw / read . But , can you honestly say , hand on heart , that if someone with 6 posts came on here and posted that video , they would`nt get the same treatment ?? I think not Ryan , and you know it .
  4. So their a bunch of wankers for pointing out obvious , questionable things in your video . Im a member there , as are a lot of others . You cant post the same videos one different sites ( copy and paste to several forums seems to be the done thing ) and expect a round of applause from everyone . I have to agree with whats been said , and as you youtube gives the impression of professional pest control , its not really the best to be honest . You`re obviously upset that you`ve been criticised and have responded by comming here and starting this Seems the `glory hunters ` are happy when every
  5. Im not one for the `Blueprint` and i have my reasons for this . As far as i can see , the R10 ( a very pleasing to the eye rifle i must admit ) had a period of short falls when it first came out . It seems they were rushed into the shops and there were a few minor faults . These hindered the R10 somewhat , which is a shame , and seems to have left a `bad taste` with some owners.This has unfortunatly been hard for BSA to shake off and keeps the `dark cloud` over the R10 , which in my eyes is a very decent bit of kit .
  6. Seerhan TX200 Recoil-less system . This is a talented guy ....... http://www.youtube.com/user/seerhang#p/u Bust.
  7. If shooting from a lying , or prone position , with this rifle , i do tend to make a `fist` and rest the hamster on top of it . Basically gives the stability needed instead of using a bi-pod . I think in HFT only the bottom of the butt pad is allowed to touch the floor . Its mainly for the support it can give during certain shots . If you were to rest your elbow , for example on your knee , the hamster gives you the extra height needed to get the scope at a comfortable level .For serious FT shooting the rules can be a bit fickle , at the minute i think shooting in the prone position , gun and
  8. According to this - http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/163552-pellet-weight-chart/ H+N Rabbit Magun , 16.85 Bust .
  9. Nice bit of kit , i take it its a .177 ?
  10. Permission – The Promised Land The emotional subject of acquiring permission to shoot on private land is a subject that crops up in air-gunning circles, time and time again. Just think about it. If a total stranger knocked your door and asked if they could play in your back garden from time to time (‘cos they haven’t got a back garden of their own), how would you react? And that’s exactly what you’re doing when you approach a farmer or landowner for permission. Add to that the fact that you want to creep around their land with a weapon capable of wounding farmhands or
  11. Andy , chill . Its the best post ive seen for ages . Im sick of the ego stroking that goes on ALL OVER THE SITE , just say what you see is easy enough for me , but some get the arse about that . Posts get deleted with no explanation , people flock to kiss arse of certain members , jesus , its about time we had a laff and this is the best one ive had this year . Bring on some more i say , it was like teh cammo man threads , they were brilliant aswell . Buster .
  12. A must for any hunter - http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/206477-my-thl-night-lamping-write-up/
  13. Whos deleted my post please , and why ???????

  14. Why has my post been deleted from this thread please ?????????? Are we olny allowed to post if we dont have an opinion ?? Unbelievable
  15. Look up TERRY HART on BBS , If he`s not got one , he`ll make you one
  16. I think he`s a gay these days ! Last time i saw him he was wearing a dress !

  17. i like your style can i watch? You Dirty , Dirty girl ........
  18. FFS Strong Stuff , i hope i never upset you. :sick:
  19. Sorry Archie , i fly solo , with only the saftey of the public as my focus ...........
  20. Its easy enough to use someone elses details . Strangley hes given bank details to a friend of mine ( via PM today on BBS ) and its seems there his wife`s . When pressed for a name and address he went offline .
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