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Everything posted by Buster321c

  1. its not somthing you`d sling in the car on a rainy winter morning though is it .....
  2. lol, i'd ask you to expand on that, but bein as your black country, loose lips an all that eh? ATB Alright Muccka
  3. Us Black Country boys just get the job done , not talk about it for years ...........
  4. I did one , cost me about £50 all in . Used an IR cctv lens and a 3 inch screen . Loads of info on the net . Ill try and dig out some pics in a bit , but its very easy .
  5. Get your self over to our forum buddy , plenty of advise and loads of banter .
  6. Hardly the world, just THL Yes Stealthy , but im afraid i spend little time here these days . i posted for the rest of the world on all the other forums
  7. I currently have an Airwolf and an MFR . The wolf is .177 and the MFR is .20 . Both are awesome rifles , and both earn their keep . The airwolf is very accurate , fantastic to shoot , neve misses a beat and shoulders great . The MFR is also very accurate , shoulders very well and has never let me down in the field . Personally though , if i was offered a nice Rapid for the airwolf , it would go , where as if i was offered anything for the MFR id`e turn it down .
  8. No its just makes a change to tell the world about it .......
  9. I dont generally do the hunting threads . I did however , enjoy a long awaited couple of hours out on Sunday evening . It was warm ish , not the killer heat we`ve been having , but still warm and the wind was getting `gusty` to say the least . I almost put it off thinking that my shot placement woud be a little erratic , but once i got to my first perm , a small place where i get my zero sorted , i found that low to the ground it was no so bad . I put a couple of mags throug the Airwolf , to guage whats what , and decided that while im out i`ll have a mooch . I got to my intended site and once
  10. Could be anything .Depends what the previous owner has set in the menu . Best thing is to google how to do it and " re set factory settings "
  11. Could be anything .Depends what the previous owner has set in the menu . Best thing is to google how to do it and " re set factory settings "
  12. Mines a 190 fill also . As said , charge once a month ( it`ll beep and the red flashing light will stay on once fuly charged ) . Awesome accuracy , and an airstream is as good as any silencer . I must admit im blown away with mine , and its very quiet ( althoughing a carbon shroud built for it atm ) . Its a great rifle , and although i had `troubles` i think mine is definatey worth keeping ...................( for a bit lol )
  13. And why ? Well anything that needs doimg on a rapid , 99% of the time you can do yourself . cracking guns
  14. Its a waiting game lads . Im sure all will be revealed in time .
  15. Ive got a 177 CDT . Its feckin awesome . Daystates customer care is 110% . It groups like this at 55 yds
  16. First day off in 3 weeks tommorow . It'll be just me and my Grandson , i cant wait ;)

    1. Malt


      Lovely mate, hope you both have a great day!

    2. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Have a good day pal

  17. Best thing ive seen all night , i like to play fat girl rodeo ..
  18. Give us her number Arch , shes luberly
  19. Theres the feature of contacting the guy that developed it ( somewhere in there ) . I questioned a couple of things via e mail and got a reply within an hour . In my book its one of he best avaliable , have it on my mobilen with about 5 various rilfe setups in it , works VERY well IMHO
  20. Very nice . Bit of an AA fan myself and i like that alot . In fact i wouldnt mind one just for playing with
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