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Everything posted by Buster321c

  1. Some have found out , they dont speak much about it ..............
  2. oy clever clogs, its no spelling competition, so if you've got nothin constructive to say, shutup? Your right , its not a competition , but a basic grasp of the english language would help ........
  3. Mate , thats not even in the same league as the pro sport .
  4. Depends on pellets as well Mine runs at - Accupells 10 ft/lbs Air Arms Fields 11.2 ft/lbs JSB Exacts 10.8 ft/lbs Promethius Defiants 10.5 ft/lbs and its more than capable of taking rabbits at 45 yds
  5. Sorry , i just don`t believe you ..........
  6. I`ll have the woman , Jack can have the rest . He needs the practise with a gun , and i need it with a woman
  7. Calm down dear :kiss: Sorry darling, didn't mean to be an old drama queen!
  8. They are experiancing difficulties getting parts from a chinese engineer . Im sure as soon as its sorted they will be avaliable again
  9. A dowl and some wood glue is the only way Buster the chippie
  10. Got a Bushnell , before i had it , i did`nt need one . Having used it , ide never be without one
  11. Yukon add on or Bresser . You can get a DSA for the Yukon , but not the Bresser
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