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Mick C.

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Everything posted by Mick C.

  1. Mick C.


    Would a harris hawk be capable enough to clear gulls from a school playing field. Anyone had practical experience of a similar situation. Cheers
  2. If you cant pick where there feeding then a walkout with the lamp might shed some light on the problem
  3. Flatten the bramble and get amongst it with the ferrets Failing that you going to have to find where the rabbits are feeding and set wires to suit
  4. Brambles and nettle stalks can really put the brakes on an otherwise fast pursing net. For me a dog that holds is an asset especially when working alone.
  5. Brambles are the worst culprit. You only got to get snagged yourself to realise how nasty they are. Be surprised if the dog changes his hunting style. Had larger bushing dogs that were covered in blood after a session in cover. Looks a lot worse than it is. Rabbit runs can be verytight in low bramble
  6. Its difficult Your mate is going to do most of the graft when the ferrets are entered. Most of your energies will be taken up with the pup. Try and keep to easy burrows until the dog starts to show an understanding
  7. You got to stay on top of them using a stern tone of voice regular so they know whos running the show. Would imagine this becomes more difficult when working a pack.
  8. A good Russell will go through low tight bramble with ease. Iwould imagine most will yipp when game is sprung- mine does. I suppose the only issue would be following something to ground in cover. Fortunatley this problem hasn't occurred for me. I like the smaller types as they make bushing look effortless
  9. That net must be tasty Some hole that. looks like more than one rab done it
  10. Theres one or two hunters about who get even keener as the years roll on. Numbers arnt that important to this type.Its all about the challenge of finding something for the pot. The excitement of catching a single rabbit is still there after decades of good times in the field. Mates, dogs , woman and rabbits have come and gone. These types were born to hunt and will no doubt carry on in exactly the same way
  11. made for moochin them. Reckon nowt will be safe when there on the jazz
  12. Nice to see mate good huntin
  13. yeh he doing great really, he been off (3 months) with shoulder injury, so far its look good, and i knew he would catch because he had dozen in jan. he alot faster+agile than je looks, he as big stride on him covers alot of ground I know mate I got a dog here same build as him . Very long in the back.Hes resting up at the moment as hes lost a complete front claw. When hes fit hes a very powerful dog. Personally I think these dogs are very underated due to there bulk. Hes put enough daytime rabbits in the bag to prove that comment is not always justified
  14. Looks like hes going to be a handy dog Sounds like your giving him every chance to prove himself
  15. cleared a big infestation of rats on a pig farm with this poison. Got nothing negative to say about it
  16. Put a new battery in the collar and it should work
  17. Either that or somebodys been at them with the rimfire
  18. Them shopping trollys are a handy way of transporting stuff back and two providing the ground isnt plough. Nice pictures
  19. I never seen self tangling nets before These things get tangled before you have put them down. Attatch a steel peg for extra difficult tangles
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