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Mick C.

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Everything posted by Mick C.

  1. What is the distance between the two eyes on a slidder Also do you use a slidder ring or somthing else to weight the bottom of the net. thanks
  2. what do you use to weight the bottom of the net. Slidder or ring or somthing else.
  3. For sure Walked round this morning spent the best part of half a day mooching over hundred and fifty acre farm. Most of the sets had been done. Managed to find three sets that had been overlooked and were occuppied. Im well pleased with about that
  4. Saw young rabbits on wednesday
  5. I like to sometimes have a walk around local and hunt on land that has been visited by most people in the area that do a bit. Seem to get abetter sense of satisfaction if me and the team can winkle one or two out for the pot. its a good test of field craft. If the dogs can find scent we usually stick at it until we suceed Hard rabbits can certainly present a challenge but a very enjoyable one
  6. Seen young rabbits while ferreting two days ago
  7. The dog sounds fast and very keen A few busy nights out and the dog should steady up when slipped. Mine used to go up the beam like a greyhound out of a trap.Now he trots up nice and steady unless the rabbit starts its run before he gets there.
  8. larger nets can be a pain to set correctley in tight spots a brambles Also they are more prone to snagging when pursing. Depends on the job in hand really
  9. Need to get him fit Get him out on a regular basis . Preferably somewhere he will get a lot more runs. Dogs not got enough experience
  10. I dont personally own one of these lamps.I have a walk out with a freind who owns one. It seemed to happen on shortage range quarry when we lamp the golf courses. Maybe it was down to the grass been very close cut and the rabbits been hit with the full power of the beam Im not knocking the lamp Maybe just a bit of overkill in that situation I am looking for a light force lance myself as it would serve my purpose better than the clulite that i currently use.
  11. Catch rate seems to improve a good deal with the light force Some of the rabbits we have lamped seemed completley disoriented and were easily snapped up Also a few more kills were made when the rabbit had actually made it to heavy cover Some seem to run as if unbalanced. I presume it must be power they are putting out
  12. Great man excellent programme I think there is a video of the series
  13. I use batterys from mobility scooters You need buy what is calle a trickle charger A normal battery charger will wreck a scooter battery after a few charges
  14. Saluki whippet greyhound colliegreyhound bull greyhound A cracking cross which includes one or two of the breeds mentioned
  15. Raw rabbit guts out jacket on. Freeze em then take em out the night before i feed. Also minced meat /offal and brown bread
  16. Over shooting can sometimes be a drawbackl And if the gears arnt there when they get to the rabbit it usually ends with three sommersaults one rabbit and a lame dog Great to watch but very dangerous
  17. Find out the name of the manager of the club . also the name of the head green keeper. Go and introduce yourself and explain to them what you are about. It helps if you know somebody who is a member of the club. They could possibly put your name foward. This was how managed to get permission on a course last year. Meeting someone personally is worth more than a letter Good luck.
  18. I make a sound somthing like psst just before the lamp is flicked on then i change it to chuck chuck if a rabbit is in the beam. Walk him up to a few squatters he will soon get the hang of it
  19. If its twelve yards i would give it five yards one side of the hedge take it throgh the hedge if possible five yards the other side I use poles to keep the the net up Forgot to mention. If the net wont go through the hedge i would p lace a large purse net/poke net inthe middle of the hedge.
  20. Them sharp little dogs then. Working three golf courses this season. Mostly laming and some ferreting. These rabbits are a good match for any dog
  21. My brother has just bought a laguna whippet. Dont work them myself although imust say he looks a very strong pup. Full of spirit too. Can anyone tell me more about this breed . Iwould have thought they would make good little rabbit dogs
  22. You bolting them with ferrets , or are the dogs finding them
  23. Planted a peach tree on the south facing wall on my house. The tree is in a large container. Will it live and eventually fruit. I am situated in the north west
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