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Mick C.

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Everything posted by Mick C.

  1. Lighten up united we stand divided we fall. Its dreams and aspiration that keep the mind soul and in my case body going Keep the faith
  2. If youve got 150yards down and the field is ten times that width there could be a problem I cant see how the dog will work within the boundarys that have been inroduced by the length of net. Smaller sheep meshed fields are a more benefical option. Personally i think the rest of the criteria for a net dog are all within the scope of a man that has a need and the will but most importantly the knowledge to perfect this somewhat romantic method. There are easier ways The attraction must be in the difficulty. Numbers of rabbits caught must be secondary
  3. You mean night time. Asked the same thing a good while ago. Using a banting rope or walking them in is prefered by most. One or two lads using a dog to work the gate net
  4. mine are a bit nippy too As said handling is the key. Preferably after feeding
  5. Lot's mate. Also, lots of times, the dog will mark the hole the rabbits about to pop out of, and will aso indicate when a rabbit has been pinned, not too far down the hole. Many a time, ive been able to stretch in and pull one out. And many many times, the dog has found warrens i didnt even know existed. One other - a number of times, the dog has found a ferret that has popped out of a hole way a long an over grown ditch etc, which was thought to be part of another set, or not seen. A dog gives you the confidence to take on difficult buries when working alone. The ferret co
  6. How many times has a dog stuck its nose in a bolt hole which was missed when netting up. It is to many times to remeber for me personally. The right dog can put a fair few rabbits in the bag on a days ferreting in a variety of different ways Never a dull moment when the dogs are brought along
  7. A dog will also find the rabbits that are sitting out Really handy for marking holes that look crap that rabbits have gone into to avoid the dog. Had plenty of sucessful days without the dog too. Field craft comes into its own then. Only drawback with a dog is that they can sometimes run in before the rabbit is fully pursed. However i try not to leave home without the mutt
  8. They will jump it just to travel to another field at night. Thats without been pressured.
  9. Got a nice litter of red eyed albinos here mate . If your looking for a young one to start this back end
  10. Full rabbits with there guts out Ialso give them plenty of milk
  11. Best worker ive seen for a long time is a mixture of both What he lacks in size he makes up for with tenacity. This hob is very aggressive on rabbit and handles really well. Not the sort for deep sets though.He will stick until the rabbit is dead or you have dug to him Sort of ferret you take out of the box to get back on terms with awkward rabbits.
  12. Had a similar thing happen but it was in the hot weather Kits were strewn all over the cage. The jill was very agitated but also was deteriating physically. Bathed her in cool water and got her on lactol.I also put a bottle filled with chilled water into the bedding compartment to cool things down. Eight kits on a small jill can take a lot of fluid. Think that and the very hot weather was a bit to much. Thank goodness i was around and able to act straight away. Hope things go ok
  13. Feel it for you mate. Should take a bit of warm liver now. Wont the gill have nothing to do with them at all?
  14. Anyone got a spare MK1collar cap they wat to sell sOUTH CHESHIRE NORTH STAFFS AREA thanks
  15. Sounds like an honest dog longtail. My bushers were both mongrel lurchers. In light brambles reed and gorse or any broken cover for that matter, these types were essential to a productive hunt.
  16. Personally i have had sucess with both. A small aggressive hob is not going to let you down. Although you might find yourself digging to him a bit more often than a gill. Why not have one of each and see how they turnout. Anyway they like a bit of company
  17. Tight low lying thick bramble that goes on yard after yard is a very stern test for the keenest of bushing lurchers. Dragging themselves through this sort of terrain usually on there bellys with back legs splayed out behind , with face and ears turning red from the unforgiving bramble thorn is somthing to see and deserves the highest ammont of respect.
  18. Do one or two golf courses lamp with the dog when the wind is up. Ferret them when the course is frozen or covered in snow-play is cancelled. Dont use any guns Im pleased with what we have acheived this last two seasons. Should be one or two windy nights yet. Iwould take full advantage of them as they seem few and far between once spring is over
  19. Thanks for the reply Yes it is old muck Tested the ph and it was just moving onto acid. I will try some plants with a dressing and leave others out and see what happens.
  20. Nice one mate sounds like good craic
  21. Is old pigeon muck any good as part of the medium for growing tomatoes in pots? Also which medium have you had most sucess with when growing tomatoes. I usually use potting compost . THANKS
  22. If you use steel pegs and nylon nets tangles are inevitable in transit. Personally i use wooden pegs on all my nets and fold them the same as the other lads Never had a problem
  23. Not completley tasteless then Thanks for the info
  24. Work a lot of places on my own I need the dog to hold them until i can get there Once that pegs pulled out bunnys got a second life
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