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marky b

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Everything posted by marky b

  1. iv just started getting my lurcher back into proper shape ran a few miles yesterday woke up this morning and me legs were like too planks. anybody know where i can get a cart to fit a dog lol
  2. lol iv got an old saluki/collie/greyhound bitch exactly the same spends all day sleeping til she see's me grab a slip lead.
  3. what a tit! hope you get them back. its a shame good working ferrets not doing what they were bred for.
  4. a good day out your dogs will be fit in no time
  5. some nice dogs there pal and a good days sport thanks for the pics
  6. marky b


    i agree with you pal
  7. good dog this one lads
  8. a dog should be well proven before breeding i think
  9. i know what il be doing
  10. id start off with a live rat trap if i was you pal
  11. some good looking dogs there lads and a good bit of sport
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