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marky b

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Everything posted by marky b

  1. I wonder what the man city managers excuse is this time lol
  2. you sure it's not cuz your a bit thick lol
  3. Didn't john holt die a couple of days ago too makes you think who's gonna be number 3 Edited to add. Forgot about the oxo lady they say it comes in threes Lol
  4. A Pakistani gentlemen walks into the doctors with a toad growing out of his forehead after waiting a while he's called in and the doctor has a good hard look then asks "how long have you had this" the toad says "a while now it started as a wart on my arse!
  5. Anybody watch it tonight I thought it was a cracking start to the new series imo
  6. if I wanna go there il have to forget about the yacht lol
  7. he must believe in time travel aswell lol
  8. Good boy Jason yes Mitchell is going places,look out for another lad Miles Shinkwin whos coming along nicely and of course Tony Conquest is another of Jasons fighters........Jimmy trained Jason and his brother Roy at the Black Lion back years ago.......a little story that was editted out of the book was when Chris Eubanks brother got beat by Roy twice on the spin and a week later turned up at the Black Lion demanding Jimmy train him........................to which he was abrupty shown the door after saying " do you know who my brother is " Theres some arrogance running through that Eubank
  9. Can you deliver for fuel costs lol
  10. Don't know what yous are all going on about I could take down that elephant with just my opinel pocket knife lol
  11. The other vid with the birds is the best the skill involved shows bow hunting in the best light IMO
  12. Insert Austin powers saying moley moley mole here ^ lol
  13. I think Eubanks speed will make the first half of the fight exciting but IMO billy joe has the better boxing brain and will figure out and make eubank look average as the fight go's on
  14. It was lucky you was wearing a helmet knee pads and elbow pads eh pal otherwise you done ya self some real damage lol
  15. That bag makes him look like a d::head literally
  16. You'll officially be an immigrant taking other peoples work lol
  17. they might leave you a self destruct button off something lol
  18. They can't change the odds depending on the result surly if they do you wanna tell them the odds have just gone up on the chances your gonna drag him outside and kick his arse lol
  19. Me too... This really has been an education for me, my first computer was an iPhone! I haven't heard of any of these other sites & only recently twigged what 'bump' meant lol.....But in last year I have made a couple of good friends from this site & as a direct result should be doing a fair bit of digging in Europe this season....which Im very grateful for :-)......maybe life does begin at 40! you sound like my brother he never used to know what lol ment so he put it at the end of whatever he writ he said he saw a lot of people put lol at the end so he just copied them
  20. id be pulling my hair out aswell if I was ginger lol
  21. We're done mate get ya self down the pub later and wet the baby head lol
  22. im not 100% but sure i heard theres one in the making cant for the life of me remember who was going to play him though,bugging me nowdanny devito
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