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marky b

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Everything posted by marky b

  1. some of the comments on there are mad I don't think they live in the real world and what world is that then enlighten usa world where people have common sense
  2. some of the comments on there are mad I don't think they live in the real world
  3. Lee selbys boxing tonight on sky sports Gavin Rees and Antony Joshua are on the undercard should be worth a watch
  4. Look at the comments ones calling him a racist and he's name the real brick top lol
  5. i don't think he'd cut it with a top boxer they fight at a completely different pace IMO muay tai's gotta be sixty percent kicks and elbows then you've got the clinch taking that away don't mean he's gonna make a good boxer he'd still be a dangerous little bugger tho lol
  6. some fight hood has with that mma fella ain't it
  7. i was just thinking that marmite is made about 5 mins drive from my house lol its about as scottish as the st georges flag i remember driving down that road in burton where marmites made it smelled horrible put me off ever trying ityou get used to it its actually a by product of beer yeast from the coors and marstons brewerys so is a clever way of using stuff that would go to waste!! 1000s of familes have earned their crust working there over the years to so its a great product imo....also soldiers in WW1 were issued it in there rations so its done its part for the country to yeah I get what
  8. i was just thinking that marmite is made about 5 mins drive from my house lol its about as scottish as the st georges flag i remember driving down that road in burton where marmites made it smelled horrible put me off ever trying it
  9. I'll have that if you've still got it
  10. If it dos I'm definitely gonna try and get tickets
  11. I wonder what he thinks of it all now I bet he's getting some stick from his mates
  12. Witch boxer said don king wears his hair up to hide his horns I can't remember
  13. Tell every one about the time you pissed yourself at EDRD jo lollolwhats this now lol
  14. Must admit its not often i see eye to eye with the chap Oneredtrim,i dont actually understand what he,s on about half the time ......but the above is loud and clear and 100% bang on......its the age old saying " couldnt take what he gave out "....its happened before and will happen again i dont understand why folk are so mystified by it......all i can think is people are often so awe inspired by their hero,s they just cant see any wrong in them its a bit like Michael Jackson and other iconic figures... people are willing to ignore the fact he slept with children and want to believe the unbeli
  15. Part of being the best out there is giving it your all dedicating yourself one hundred percent mike tyson didn't. Who knows what would of happend if he did? for me there's too many excuses surrounding tyson to be classed as one of the all time greats Holyfield did dedicate himself that's why IMO he achieved more than tyson
  16. Got to remember old compo lol
  17. no you should keep it mate
  18. I think there's horse meat in there somewhere
  19. Bet there's not many on here,whom know what a long dog is,though.i do it's a foot long hot dog
  20. thats eased the pressure a little eh wilf
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