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marky b

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Everything posted by marky b

  1. reminds me of only fools and horses when there lost on the boat and they ask the fella on the oil rig for directions
  2. marky b

    Flappy Bird

    ive got that on my iPhone lol
  3. i thought a lot of the lads at the auction and market knew me this morning first i heard of it was on this thread ......i was at an auction and market this morning calling people Dave lol jonos ?derby aint done the saturday auction there for a few years eaton and hollis , spoilt for choice on a saturday morning ---liecs,nottm,derby,loughborough, im usually there only problem I end up buying stuff I don't need lol next time i go i`ll pm you i`ll get you a brew in .... nottinghams worth a trip if your into that sort of thing ... yeah sound good mate cheers
  4. i thought a lot of the lads at the auction and market knew me this morning first i heard of it was on this thread ......i was at an auction and market this morning calling people Dave lol jonos ?derby aint done the saturday auction there for a few years eaton and hollis , spoilt for choice on a saturday morning ---liecs,nottm,derby,loughborough, im usually there only problem I end up buying stuff I don't need lol
  5. i thought a lot of the lads at the auction and market knew me this morning first i heard of it was on this thread ......i was at an auction and market this morning calling people Dave lol jonos ?derby
  6. i thought a lot of the lads at the auction and market knew me this morning first i heard of it was on this thread ......i was at an auction and market this morning calling people Dave lol
  7. I think arsenal are going to fade now
  8. thanks for reminding me Dave
  9. Didn't they ban flap jacks from schools because of the sharp corners I'm sure they did
  10. sounds like community service
  11. lol that's the one had some nerve them cheers stig
  12. Ain't there that old picture of all the lads having there dinner break sat on a girder being lifted by a crane I think it's the Rockefeller being built i wonder what h and s would say to them
  13. get back to Facebook soppy bollocks lol
  14. A knife a hammock some wire for snares a cooking pot and a fire stick if there's streams about I'd tickle the fish out hence no need for any fishing stuff lol
  15. marky b

    Top Gear

    Too set up why didn't they show Hammond roll the car coming down the hill because it never happend and teenage stig wasn't even funny
  16. Did u watch the same video as us u numpty. Think you have missed stans humour BJ. Fook there bad initials lol ffs was stan only messing about,,,phewwww had me their your too quick on the trigger pal lol me one day Stan the next lol
  17. I think his speed would make it hard for mayweather in the early rounds but Floyd's a clever boxer I think he'd figure khan out in the later rounds and stop him IMO
  18. Just seen that Floyd mayweathers letting his fans choose who he should fight next khan or maidana I think thru twitter. I don't like him and I don't think he'd win but I'd choose khan
  19. Does the A stand for amateur lol
  20. some of the comments on there are mad I don't think they live in the real world and what world is that then enlighten usa world where people have common sense oh you mean like that lunatic woman harrassing 2 men doing their job I think you might have the wrong end of the stick here pip. i think i have read his post wrong sorry marky thought you did mate no worrys
  21. some of the comments on there are mad I don't think they live in the real world and what world is that then enlighten usa world where people have common sense oh you mean like that lunatic woman harrassing 2 men doing their jobno she's a crazy bitch and so are the rest of tree huggers comments on YouTube that's what I'm on about I don't know why your being arsey tho
  22. some of the comments on there are mad I don't think they live in the real world and what world is that then enlighten usa world where people have common sense oh you mean like that lunatic woman harrassing 2 men doing their jobno she's a crazy bitch and so are the rest of tree huggers comments on YouTube that's what I'm on about I don't why your being arsey tho
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