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Everything posted by rodp

  1. Why ? PCP's are super accurate, smooth, easy to use and very, very quiet. If you have the dough then just buy one and go straight to the top of the tree.
  2. Obviously a home and not just a house buddy, no need to excuse it, it's lived in Just like ours is.
  3. Oh, they've found out about slates down there now then ? :laugh: only jesting.
  4. Wouldnt say religous, I like truth lol I find that truth is a very subjective thing QB, and anyone with any sort of belief system will believe their own version of the truth or one written for them. I have found mankind is very good at writing their own version to wrap around what they believe, then ramming it down every throat they can. We as a species are very good at manipulating each other to our way of thinking, be it in subtle ways such as you are bad if you do this, you will not see paradise if you do that. To, here is a big sword, gun,...... insert weapon of choice, believe or els
  5. I thought they got "lost" on a regular basis :laugh:
  6. Cleaning rod, brass bar etc, something that will not damage the barrel. Try and tap it back. Whatever you do, do NOT be tempted in the slightest to try and fire another round behind it. You WILL end up with disastrous consequences
  7. This is what I asked on my thread, how do you manage to believe in both ?
  8. It needs someone with the know how to start a website so the general public can log all their complaints about them, and see others. beyond me I'm afraid. Once the papers cottoned on to the website being live they would soon announce it to the world.
  9. I live a few hundred yards inside the m25 my gaff backs onto a golf course surrounded by beautiful woods and countryside as is the next village along......as is the same even as far down as places like Epsom and Leatherhead.......my guess is you wouldnt be turning your nose up at these places......particularly if you come from somewhere like the Black Country.......not exactly Beverley Hills is it Well to be honest we live in the heart of the black country,back on to a farm, in a road full of either business owners, self employed or professionals, a few hundred yards from open green spa
  10. Surely it was mom and dad god ?
  11. Have a look round for me while you're there because I won't be going, not when there's Cornwall, devon, Wales etc easier to get in to and a damn sight cheaper (and cleaner) Having said that, we know the folk in Hyde park winter wonderland and my son keeps on at me to go there one Christmas, so far I've managed to put it off
  12. It's like any area, has it's ups and downs. It's just the city I don't like, always appeared a dirty hole full of litter and rubbish. Haven't been in the city now for years, nor do I want to. Work wise we will not go in because of cyclists taking priority, congestion charges, immigrants cleaning windows, parking fines etc. They don't want vehicles there so fair enough, we stay away. A couple of the lads in the factory next to us go on a regular basis, they admit it's a crap hole and they hate it. They are however ripping the customer off big style (as in BIG style) so continue to go, li
  13. I live a few hundred yards inside the m25 my gaff backs onto a golf course surrounded by beautiful woods and countryside as is the next village along......as is the same even as far down as places like Epsom and Leatherhead.......my guess is you wouldnt be turning your nose up at these places......particularly if you come from somewhere like the Black Country.......not exactly Beverley Hills is it Well to be honest we live in the heart of the black country,back on to a farm, in a road full of either business owners, self employed or professionals, a few hundred yards from open green spa
  14. But if I wanted to watch ex racers handle cars I would watch 5th gear. I don't, I want to watch three idiots do things in cars that they weren't made for, middle aged idiots at that.
  15. Dirty, filthy smelly rat hole. We won't even work down there, will not travel inside the m25. We do have a few customers ring us now and then and tell them all the same, bring it to us, send it by carrier or do what you want with it but we're not coming into the cesspit you call town! haven't been near the place in 30 years.
  16. But we don't want to watch a proper car show, that's why we watch top gear. We want to watch three middle aged loonys doing the things we'd like to do if we had the money.
  17. Just one of the reasons I say time may not exist Even Hawking has doubts as to whether we have the right idea of "time". If I remember correctly he brought up the scenario of a rock in space (think it was him). Assuming the was no erosion or other means of destroying the rock it would last for eternity. The rock does nothing, doesn't move, doesn't vibrate or anything. It's there from the start of the universe until the end. For the rock time doesn't exist as it has no concept of it, and if time doesn't exist for the rock it cannot exist for any other inanimate object, therefore time
  18. Don't think so, the big bang created the planets and solar systems. The universe as such doesn't exist, it's nothing and nowhere. If god created everything where was he before he did? The universe is our space time and all the energy (and matter, which is a form of energy). It's entirely possible there is a world outside of our universe (space time) which is responsible for the 'creation' of ours. The big bang theory tells us how our current universe was built from its earliest known origins as a physical singularity but it does not tell us how our space time and the energy in it came to be..
  19. Does time exist though, or is it just a figment of the human imagination? Even hawking cannot say for certain that it exists which is why he's unsure that the speed of light is a boundary. If time doesn't exist there theoretically should be no boundaries. As he says, we may be seeing something that's not there or is completely different to what we think we see.. The problem is, we cannot look, we only see what we see. We need to be able to see what we cannot see ....yet. As for the dimensions of space, that's only relative to the matter in space. Just because the matter we see behave
  20. Don't think so, the big bang created the planets and solar systems. The universe as such doesn't exist, it's nothing and nowhere. If god created everything where was he before he did? The universe is our space time and all the energy (and matter, which is a form of energy). It's entirely possible there is a world outside of our universe (space time) which is responsible for the 'creation' of ours. The big bang theory tells us how our current universe was built from its earliest known origins as a physical singularity but it does not tell us how our space time and the energy in it came to be..
  21. I thought the theory, or one theory, was that we are travelling apart at different velocities, which explained why we seem to be separating. The ones further away from the centre than us are travelling faster, therefore leaving us. The ones behind us are travelling slower therefore we're leaving them. The further away we get from the centre the bigger the circumference which means we all travel further apart. Which means there was a centre. What they don't know is why. The big bang may have been a big PHUT
  22. Don't think so, the big bang created the planets and solar systems. The universe as such doesn't exist, it's nothing and nowhere. If god created everything where was he before he did? The universe is our space time and all the energy (and matter, which is a form of energy). It's entirely possible there is a world outside of our universe (space time) which is responsible for the 'creation' of ours. The big bang theory tells us how our current universe was built from its earliest known origins as a physical singularity but it does not tell us how our space time and the energy in it came to be.
  23. what is the theory now mateVery simply, the universe (space-time and all the its energy) several billions years ago expanded from a physical singularity. Everything we have in the universe now has evolved from that singularity. And despite the bullshit, that theory has been thoroughly tested and as so accepted as fact. No where in any of mainstream science is something or anything claimed to be created from nothing! The big bang theory does NOT claim to explain how the universe was created, only how what we have and see today has developed and came to be. The events prior to the singularity
  24. what is the theory now mateVery simply, the universe (space-time and all the its energy) several billions years ago expanded from a physical singularity. Everything we have in the universe now has evolved from that singularity. And despite the bullshit, that theory has been thoroughly tested and as so accepted as fact. No where in any of mainstream science is something or anything claimed to be created from nothing! The big bang theory does NOT claim to explain how the universe was created, only how what we have and see today has developed and came to be. The events prior to the singularity
  25. because the planets and solar systems they can see are accelerating apart. By working out the trajectory they know they all came from one centre point. Theoretically they know where it should be but can't see that far due to the time it takes light to travel that distance. But, if we're here, and we're not travelling at the speed of light then the "flash" may have passed us by. Seeing as it's travelling at the speed of light AWAY from us then we will never "see" it . If the initial "flash" has travelled past us at the speed of light, then any possible light coming back towards us can only tr
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