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69 Excellent

About Huwidge

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 21/09/1992

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  1. looks like he would have been a very handy dog pre ban in the right hands. good luck with him.
  2. Huwidge


    expecting farmers to help pay for badger vaccinations. absolute joke i say. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-23421173
  3. So how would you double it? Easier said than done...
  4. help to buy my self my own milking parlour. would do anything to get my own herd of dairy cows and get milking. 10k wouldnt get me anywhere though
  5. uni finished for a whole 12 months! back to the farm for some hard graft

  6. you will have a job to fit him down the hole mate. might be a bit big
  7. got to agree. if you dig it up just to let it go you dont have a leg to stand on when Mr Townie comes along and says its cruel because your only doing it for your own pleasure imo. either do the job properly or dont do it at all. too many people take the sport to heart it's not a job,,,,,, it's a HOBBY,,,,, you don't shoot yourself on the foot for the next time when hunting and if you do kill/shoot all try put back in what you take out it keeps the circle going your never going to dig to every single fox in the are in one winter anyway are you? If you were out with the terriers
  8. got to agree. if you dig it up just to let it go you dont have a leg to stand on when Mr Townie comes along and says its cruel because your only doing it for your own pleasure imo. either do the job properly or dont do it at all.
  9. hes about the same. maybe slightly smaller but hes doing the job just fine
  10. i have seen this pic of a hunt sab attacking a follower of the hunt floating around quite a bit. needs a good clack himself
  11. his brother hasn't disappointed either.
  12. been waiting for you to post a pic of him up for months ha! he looks in good shape mate
  13. one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read on this site.
  14. its funny you say that, didnt see any sign of his wife in that video..
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