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The Grumpy Dad

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Everything posted by The Grumpy Dad

  1. How long after having a litter is it advisable to leave a bitch before letting her back on rats ? Cheers Lee
  2. All these pups are now spoken for. Thanks for the interest. Regards Lee
  3. Not jealous in the slightest.... Happy days
  4. If you get a brush or a comb that states `stripping` or a `de-shedding` brush / rake you may find this better for getting the bigger bits of debri out. Then a regular brush for prining . Same again though , i`ve had these from value stores(poundland-home&bargain etc) and they get left out and go rusty before i knacker them. atb
  5. No they're not docked. Been knocked back by 3 vets after been asked the same. cheers
  6. explains some of their thought processes though
  7. Haven`t really got an answer to help the problem. But a word of caution, I know of someone who suffers similarly and they have actually burnt their feet with holding them against varius styles of heaters. She has an underlying health issue though so realises there is a problem there. Get the quack to take a look and see if there is a problem with circulation etc perhaps ? Hope he gets fixed up , for your sake
  8. Pups will be ready towards the end of January. Both mum & dad can be seen. Bitches £175 & Dogs £150 I`am in Manchester 3 miles off M6 & M60 motorways. A small deposit secures the pup of your choice. PM me for viewing arrangements. Pics available via email on request.(files are too large to post on here) Regards. Lee
  9. Keep the wolves from the door. Loose weight (that old chestnut ) & get out fishing , shooting & camping more. And more importantly , still be around at the end of it to look back at my failiure to achieve any of it
  10. In a nutshell I`am 40yr old,so hardly a kid lol, and rabbits is pretty much my limit , despite having opportunity of fox & deer And as long no ones hitting me with a big stick i dont mind what people think/say.
  11. Got to keep plugging away at them though to keep the numbers down.
  12. Not going in the army when i was 18 , as i`d planned & trained for. Meeting my Ex also when i was 18 lol Having kids to the ex....................bit of a theme going on here isnt there lol Apart from not not a lot really Lifes good
  13. A very close friend of mine eventualy hanged himself after leaving the army. He suffered for years with PTSD and alchoholism.The only reason he wasnt on the streets was that he had a very understanding Mum.He couldnt have run a home towards the end He was the best looking , fittest and funniest bloke i have ever known. In a no gay way A tragic waste of a life.Top bloke,albeit he was a bit of a handful in latter years.
  14. For nearly 6yrs my missus worked 6pm till midnight came home and went to bed about 1am (ish) up att 7am to get girls ready for school. Dropped them off then did the house work and made tea. We would both pick the girls up,she would have tea and go to work.I would be in bed for 9pm and up at 5am for work.6-2 shift.For the last 10month of doing that she was also a registered child minder and had another 4 kids to look after House was still done , & our tea I think she has a bit of OCD going on. Which is probably why we are so well mached with me been a lazy fecker
  15. i`am out later this week so will start it then. I`ll get some pics and see how it goes. I wouldnt have thought getting wet and grubby would ruin it but if i keep it to a size that can be thrown in the washer , i could over time get a couple on the go. rgds lee
  16. Haha Dragons Den here i come......... I`am going to have a go anyway , only my time lost if it doesnt work out to well for whatever reason
  17. May do. But i could line there actual bed and either staple or tac it to the wooden box. Lot of pissing about though if they did shred it
  18. Has anyone ever made a blanket out of rabbit fur ? I know how to dry them out. So if i did this then put them through the washing machine and got them stitched together , i`am thinking it would make warm dog bedding for there pen. Or have i missed somthing as to why this cant or shouldnt be done? It has been known to happen Rgds Lee.
  19. I was took out for the first time ever with ferrets on Monday. Just the ferrets and nets.After putting down approximately 30 nets and introducing the ferret i stood back and waited. Soon found out we needed 31 nets . Had one bolter and one in the bag. Moved to another bank and again realised the advantage of taking either one of my JRTs or the .410. We moved along the bank leapfrogging the nets from far left to the right and managed to bag 16 , we think , as we kept 2 apiece and left the rest in a bag for someone else. Had atleast 6 bolters aswell. I have to say i loved it. Would
  20. Get off the fence and say what you mean
  21. Thanks for the reply Mick. And for the PMs from a few others. Iam prettty new to this site and didnt expect that result .You do exactly what it says on the tin I guess. I have replied to a chap off here purely on the basis that he is the closest to me,10 min down the road and an area I`am familiar with. Cheers lads ATVB lee
  22. Hi. Never worked ferrets but ive got access to some land and the fella wants some rabbits clearing. Its a fair run out but i would be willing to pick you up. Rgds Lee
  23. Hi. Just joined the site. Been browsing round it over the weekend and its got some cracking links,articles etc. Dont be misled by the user tag.Daughters idea of a joke whilst setting up the bluetooth on a new mobile for me , and it stuck. Been shooting most of my life in one form or another and currently shoot .22HW100 & .177AAs10. Look frward t chatting to yu. Regards Lee. Ll
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