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Everything posted by tubba

  1. Get some rally tyres it will go anywhere
  2. Try wells farm poultry they do the low wattage bulbs aswell keeps the electric meter down.
  3. Sound mate I wasn't planning on doing the whole pen just a bit up one side. I thought if I feed them on the straw in the pen when they see the ride they may know to feed on it.
  4. Cheers for that gte. Is it worth putting straw down in the pens aswell as the cover all ready in there?
  5. Sound lads. Thanks for the replys I might try one this year. I Have got a nice sunny spot in mind so got to be worth a try.
  6. Alright Lab, just out of interest how long do you make your straw rides i was thinking of just getting a couple of bales and rolling them out.
  7. Looks like one of these out the film 300
  8. My Mrs is going to love me. Me and the boys have just cut the christmas tree up in the lounge and we are out of hoover bags. Oh well shit happens..

    1. Kay


      oh dear your going to have to get her a bagless one now..lol

    2. gwendevine


      sounds like summat my tilfertilfer would do lol

    3. tubba


      Just swept it under the sofa! She will find it when im at work hopefully.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Hi Royboy, there is a Game dealers in Penkridge its worth giving him a call an see what he says. Phil Eldershaw Butchers and Game Dealers Address: Clay St Postcode: ST19 5AL City/Town: Penkridge, Stafford (Staffordshire) Main phone: 01785 714942
  10. Well Dogman that was a great story it put a lump in my throat whilst reading that. That old boy will never forget that im sure. Have a great New year.
  11. Just clean them with some cotton wool and some warm salt water.
  12. Just clean them with a bit of cotton wool and some warm salt water.
  13. Is drinkin Newcastle Brown Ale a bit to fast.

  14. Thats a personal comment, Oh i forgot im not a mod so i can't ban anyone.
  15. It wern't that light mate cus you didn't see me cleaning up behind you, lol.
  16. A different breed them slaughter men. Where do all the guts go and don't say Wayne perry skips!
  17. It's probably just an excuse to charge more for disposal I bet the lot goes in.
  18. Had a few horses go there. They say they can't put the ones that have been pts into the animal food chain due to the chemicals in the blood. I bet there's a few go in there ain't many people I know who have their horses shot anymore.
  19. I'd have to agree with Brassneck on the dogs for jobs bit. Each breed of dog has been bred for a purpose the great thing about the lurcher is we can ad different breeds to work to our advantage. I myself love the mal they are such a powerful and high instinct animal. I have never owned a pure one, only my grey x mal x saluki. He has a great temperament, He's biddable great round the kids and a good all round worker. I can't see why you wouldn't want a dog with some drive and some brains put into a lurcher line.
  20. Here's my Mali x He's a great dog does what I want him to do.
  21. Your dead right mate, i remember being on a shoot in Anglesey. The birds were really low and only 3 out of 8 guns shot at them. I remember my old man saying to them after the drive, "them berds yow was shootin was oven ready me mon", The 3 guns looked bemused and asked why, and the old man replied "cus theres no fu**in feathers on em". shootin game imo is about being selective. Fair enough the keeper has put the birds over you but there aint no sport in shootin low flyers.
  22. As the title x2 for browning and miroku shotguns £60 pair
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