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Everything posted by mattyg

  1. The plan is to get some fishing in but until the mother in law gets the go ahead form the docs I don't really want to book a guide, may be too late by then, in any case I'm gonna have a go from the rod & reel pier I think. Matt
  2. All being well I'll be on Anna Maria around may! Matt
  3. Top class....... Again! How much of your own gear do you take mate? Don't fancy shelling on salty fly reel....they are hardly cheap.lol Matt
  4. mattyg

    Shed Paint

    Sikkens do a good range of exterior gear, not cheap but pretty bombproof. Matt
  5. Yes terryd that's him, dosnt specialise in dogs but can turn his hand to most stuff. Matt
  6. I'll stick mine up when he's done em mate.
  7. My long time mate has decided to go back to scribbling....... I'm just in the process if sitting some pics for him to do a commission of my feckless pot lickers.... He works mainly in graphite and charcole..... I'll add pics when he's done mine. Iamdwaine.com Too lad,very talented! Matt
  8. Top class..... I have a dog(just over 2), retrieved a half mixy rabbit better than most gundogs..... Bearing in Mind I gave up on any form of retrieve training when he decided to eat rats.....WHOLE! It'll be a one off I'm sure as this idiot isn't capable of doing much in line with what I want him to do! Matt
  9. Anyone tell me when lamping starts? I've heared it's about now but Fred seems to think it's next month. Bloody thing is obsessed with fire! Just waiting for him to lick the burner!
  10. Is the gate on the left or right of the field?Where's the nearest oak tree? Exact length of grass? Will you be running on a date with "2" in it? ........ In other words stop trying to pin a certain badge to a certain breeding..... None of the above make any difference, just get a dog from parent doing what you want. All this waffle of 22",23",24" Get a Lurcher, it will catch stuff. (Except mine) Matt
  11. I've chased it, earned it , banked it..... SPENT IT! Got very little to show for it. Im happy, I have good people around me and sometimes one of my dogs catches summat (very rarely) The last cheque I write will bounce! Matt
  12. Looking like he has a good future mate, best of luck with his continued recovery! Matt
  13. Not as far down the road as you guys, ain't doing too bad but defiantly MASSIVLEY appreciate the little that I do have. To quote tsteve999 from here..... "As long as I've got s quid more than I need" my fine! Matt
  14. Still looks bloody horrible but at least it's nice and pink healthy flesh. Is the dog OK in itself? Matt
  15. In the words of scroobious pip "Where I live, some people don't know me and I f***ing love it and some people don't like me and f***ing know it" Summat like that anyway! Matt
  16. Pretty standard from what I've heard. Let's just say I'm not welcome back to the local beer/cider festival at a fairly local pub..... Bloody spoilsports...... The Mrs didn't talk to me for 5 days...... Every cloud and all that! Matt
  17. A bit closer to the mark than you actually realise mate...... Pre ban of course! Lol
  18. I've been caught pulling up a chair and just watching it bubble by the Mrs..... It'll be no laughing matter when I'm belting out James brown classics with my pants on my head in March..... She may mock me now, let's see how funny it is in a few months! Lol Matt
  19. Just wondering....... Does anyone actually change how they drive when the car infront has one of those yellow signs stuck on the back window stating "child/grandchild on board"? Matt
  20. One of mine has stopped today,strange thing is, it was the last to get going, how long should I leave before racking off? Started at 1.050,finished at 1.000 . Matt P.s. If this stuff even turns out "drinkable", I'm going for it in a bigger way next year!
  21. That poster has been around a while now and that isn't a direct quote from her, make no mistake that this woman is a loathsome self hating greedy apologist who only seeks to tell people what they "should" do while doing the exact opposite. A vile trechorous human being who should be tied to the same burning stake as sturgeon!!!! I don't have a problem with blacks, I don't have a problem with women but I do have a problem with black women who blame everyone else for their community's short comings! Matt
  22. Looks like I'm edging closer to another knife....and I haven't even ruined/lost my last one from riohog yet! Price would be nice mukka, pm me if you want. Matt
  23. I'll have em if he don't want em. Lol Will be collecting orders over the weekend! Matt
  24. I have em in my work boots and my trainers and don't even realise they are there now.
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