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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. I used to feed doc once or twice a week purely because ferrets love them, don't think theyre great nutritionally though.
  2. Theyre looking nice and healthy, have they showed any interest in eating yet?
  3. Another member had half his kits and I think a couple of adults nicked last week so they wouldn't necessarily take everything. If its all locked up tight and hasn't been broken into then I suppose the jill must have eaten them. You see where Im coming from though the size of five 4 week old kits seems a lot for a jill to get through in a night.
  4. I thought the danger of kits being eaten had passed before the 4 week stage, 5 kits at 4 weeks old seems a lot for a single jill to eat in a night anyway, not saying youre wrong but is there any chance someone could of taken them?
  5. A bloke not far from me has a boerbel, formidable looking dog.
  6. If the kits are well socialized with other ferrets I think theyd be fine.
  7. I got a call blocker on my landline, I set it to block all unavailable numbers and it has a button on it for blocking individual calls. Gone from at least 3 nuisance calls a day to maybe 1 a week.
  8. Ive heard of London pet shops wanting £ for a ferret, seen silvers on gumtree £40 a few times, and an ad I saw somewhere for micro/greyhound ferrets starting at £45, sounds crazy money to me but someone must be buying them.
  9. It does seem strange this happens not long after you posted about your kits. That's the spirit though mate beef up security and carry on atb.
  10. Is there any possibility that people could be getting traced through this forum? or is it more likely to be locals who have seen you coming and going with boxes and equipment? I had one nicked years ago is gutting, hope you find out who took them and get them back.
  11. Absolute scumbags. Could be local kids maybe? might be worth offering a reward for info.
  12. Waardenburg syndrome? Sounds very dodgey the silver to silver breeding.For the ignorant ( me ), could you explain what the syndrome is please.Atb Im no expert on the subject youd be better off googlin it tbh, ive read a bit about silver to silver matings producing deaf kits or even deformed kits, apparently silvers carry a defective gene.
  13. Waardenburg syndrome? Sounds very dodgey the silver to silver breeding.
  14. What were you hoping for out of the litter? I like poleys myself.
  15. Im going to wait until their eyes start opening before I start handling properly which I think is around 4 weeks? I might sex them before then though. I was expecting my jill to get a bit nippy but shes been ok so far.
  16. How are they looking now mate? I had to cull one yesterday unfortunately, She was less than half the size of the others so I thought she was a runt that would eventualy catch up, went in for a closer look and she was quite deformed. Of the 5 I have left 3 are poleys and the other 2 are albinos, seem big healthy kits, What colours did you get?
  17. I got my dog when he was 7 months old, I was his fourth owner, somewhere along the line I assume someone wearing a hi vis jacket gave him a beating because he used to get upset every time he saw someone wearing one, I started wearing a hi vis every time I walked him to desensitize him which worked luckily.
  18. Seems like my jill wasa bit of a nervous first time mother, the morning after she gave birth she dragged all the bedding out and just ran around the run like a lunatic, thinking the worst I took a look in the sleeping compartment and found 6 live kits 1 dead kit still in the birth sack which Im assuming was stillborn and 1 which seemed to have been pushed aside and died. She seems to have gotten the hang of it now though.
  19. Ive got a taste for crabbies so Ive been thinking about brewing some ginger beer.
  20. There was a similar incident a couple of years back in Ireland I think? Im assuming he dug down and reached in head first and it collapsed. Rare that I ever get a deep dig on my land but Ill be being a bit careful after this, poor bloke.
  21. My jills given birth today, haven't seen them yet but I can hear the squeaks very clearly. Im going to give it a week before I go in for a proper look just to be safe. Hoping its not a big litter, last few days shes looked as though she had a tennis ball in her gut, she was huge.
  22. That's crazy, glad they don't all have that many. That's going to take it out of the jill big time, be interesting to see how many survive.
  23. Mine are also due on wedesday/Thursday.
  24. Brilliant, cant wait for mine, just hoping its not a phantom. I only left them together for a day but he mated her twice.
  25. Any kits yet mate? my kits are due in just under a week, got a bad feeling shes having a phantom for some reason but wel see.
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