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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. rabbit mainly along with just about anything I can take down with my air rifle.
  2. The cover is worse than ever for me this year. Whats even more annoying is my most open spot which is an orchard that I like to do early in the season, the owners have cut the tops off all the trees and left them where they fell so I can barely walk through it let alone ferret it. They've been saying for months that this is going to be a seriously cold winter, caused by el nino whatever the f**k that is. Bring it on I say.
  3. I like long nets for ferreting, first time I ever used one I did a big warren in bramble patch I encircled the entire warren chucked the ferrets in and watched the rabbits hole hopping for a couple of hours with just the odd one breaking cover and hitting the net, learnt an important lesson that day, next time in the same spot I tucked 10yds of longnet into the brambles (which I had cut just enough for the longnet to pass through) and ran an 8yd stop net through the other way cutting the warren into 3 to catch them out when they try to hole hop, had 11 rabbits out in no time. When I can IIl a
  4. No nothing to hide mate lol. Just didn't like th idea of possibly giving the police an opportunity to harass me any time the feel like it. Thanks everone for all the replys all sounds quite positive.
  5. Ive been reading up on the process of applying for a shotgun certificate and in interested in getting one. One thing Id like to ask, after you've been granted your license and you have your shotgun in place how much hassle do you get from the police? do they come and check on a regular basis? make unannounced visits etc? Its the only thing that puts me off is the possibility that I could be giving the police license to turn up on my doorstep whenever they feel like it.
  6. Every poley Ive ever had gets a much lighter mask in winter, not much change in the albinos lol.
  7. Im waiting fro e-sausages to come out so I can wean myself off.
  8. Yes Ive seen this before, I cured it by making the bedding area smaller.
  9. Just a matter of digging a wide enough hole to work in and keeping the bottom flat rather than v shaped as far as I can see. I can get down to the ferret fairly fast like this. I have seen one or two people trying to dig tiny holes which just makes hard work of it so I think I know what youre saying.
  10. Sorry to hear that mate never nice losing a ferret. Ive had a couple die over the years for unknown reasons.
  11. I was using a micro shovel for the couple of seasons before I got the bulldog, nice and light to carry but takes ages to dig down to the ferret. Hope mine lasts 40 years.
  12. Had my bulldog over a year now still very impressed with it. Was out yesterday and had 4 digs max being 3ft, this was in an old landfill site with bottles and allsorts of crap in the ground and it smashed through the lot.
  13. A cold soaking then a bit of cold wind may have caused it to loose too much heat. But generally seems strange. so where exactly does this warmth in winter and cooler in summer come from when its cold in winter and warm if not hotter in summer? Y.I.S Leeview Let it go mate lol.
  14. Its disgusting, fisherman are even worse bait packaging like sweetcorn tins, boilie bags even seen disposable bbqs on the river bank.
  15. Give me a good hob anyday, nice and calm until they meet a rabbit. Wish someone would tell my two hobs that I swear they're crossed with Tasmanian Devils Ive got 2 hobs and a jill I bred just turned 5 months and all 3 are very lively at the moment, the father to the litter is 4 years old though and very calm , they usualy calm down as they mature and theyre going to be put to work next season so that will help.
  16. Looks really light, look like its designed so that you cant pick up a pole out of sequence?
  17. That was a good read. When youre using a traditional longnet do you pull the entire net out and then walk along the net putting the poles in place?
  18. Its crazy it doesn't matter how many times I hear it it stil gets me going hearing the rabbit banging about before a bolt.
  19. Give me a good hob anyday, nice and calm until they meet a rabbit.
  20. Ive got a load of that land drainage pipe I might try something similar, nice setup.
  21. Ill definitely be trying again, I have a spot on a cricket green to try, this spot has a rabbit fence all the way around apart from a gap about 6yds, the rabbits have gotten under the rabbit fence in places so Im wondering if I should block these gaps with some of the logs that are laying around so they have no choice but to go through the 6yd gap.
  22. Had my first attempt at night time longnetting last night, didn't catch anything but was nice being out there anyway. I probably went way to early, got there at 9. I was happy enough to get my quikset out then back in in the dark without getting in a tangle lol. Ill try later next time maybe about 11.
  23. Ive never been bitten by a rabbit, I had one kick out while I was trying to chin it and cut into the palm of my hand though.
  24. Its no laughing matter, I reached into a hole to grab a rabbit last week and lost 2 fingers through frost bite.
  25. This is what I mean about insulation, couldn't a cave be cold in summer because its underground and insulated from the heat? I believe a rabbit warren would be cooler underground than the surface temp in summer and warmer underground than the surface temp in winter. That makes sense to me but Ive never taken thermometers ferreting with me so I cant be 100% lol. OK pie-eater I agree in summer a rabbit warren would be cooler underground ..........in summer so where does the heat come from in the winter when its colder on the surface? Y.I.S Leeview The temp wont drop as far below grou
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