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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. Happened to one of my hobs years ago, x rayed and it was an extra bit of bone on the spine caused by a possible trauma when he was a kit. It could be a million different things though. Good luck with it.
  2. View Advert Royal Mail Ferreting net bag I've got a few grade 1 royal mail bags here, best bag I've found for carrying purse nets, holds up to 60. Looking for £12 each posted, payment through paypal. Advertiser pie-eater Date 25/08/18 Price £12.00 Category Ferreting Equipment
  3. Looking good, I've bred 3 litters over the years all around 6 or 7 kits so that looks a huge litter to me.
  4. Cheers I'll look into it. Really need something that breaks down fast, got a huge pile of wood shavings that dont seem to be doing anything.
  5. I know this threads 3 years old, was looking at making a few more nets and wondering how rayon worked out? Is it as durable as spun poly?
  6. Yeah the hob in my avatar is entire but is getting old and has no interest in mating, also got a jill and 2 3 year old castrated hobs which are their kits, all get along fine.
  7. That's it exactly, the hob in my avatar is the best worker I've ever had but early and late in the season he was like a different ferret.
  8. I've tried a couple of times working hobs in season, they don't seem nearly as keen as they are in the winter.
  9. I've had a few ferrets that would pass as eu polecat, how would anyone prove they have a genuine eu polecat?
  10. Thanks the grommets look like a good idea. I assume the area the line goes pinches the knot tight and holds it in place?
  11. Any good alternatives to castration rings on longnet poles? I'm after something that doesnt perish so fast.
  12. Anyone tried hemp bedding for poultry? I'm using pine shavings atm which I'm happy with, only problem is I'm composting them and they don't seem to rot down. The hemp bedding is £1 more per 20kg but apparently it's more absorbent and it rots down nicely.
  13. I had a lee mould years age, used to turn out perfect lead balls and I could make 100s in no time.
  14. I've got a pair of brinsea mini eco incubators, with the quail I get around 95% hatch rate so I think they're pretty good. Had at least a couple developing but they seemed to die in the shell in the late stages. It is a shame as I was really looking forward to having a couple of ducks. I'll try again in a couple of months.
  15. No mate epic fail unfortunately, I followed the instructions with the incubator for waterfowl to the letter but I'm thinking humidity problems. I'll try again in the spring probably.
  16. Cheers mate, there's a few eggs developing so I'm hoping they make it, had 1 die at 9 days not to sure why.
  17. Some good tips in this thread thanks. I've got some runner duck eggs, i know its late in the season and fertility apparently will be somewhere between low and non existent but I thought I'd take a chance. Got 8 in the incubator and another 6 coming. If I get a pair out of them I'll be very happy, if not I'll have another go in the spring.
  18. Yeah didn't think of the length of their necks, i have a couple of fenn in tunnels which they could probably get into. I'll make some extra long tunnels when I get them just to be safe.
  19. No it's never that dry here, I've got slab stepping stones in my garden just so I dont make a muddy track. I like the feeder idea only dropping a small amount of food, there are a few rats about so I'll have to keep a few traps out permanently when I get the ducks, i have quail but they're raised off the ground so not had any problem with the rats getting at them.
  20. Sounds a good idea, I've got a ditch running a few feet from my back garden maybe I can pipe it into there.
  21. Looks bone dry, like the feeder. Looks like I've missed the boat on eggs this year but I'm told fertility should pick back up around February. Or I could try to pick up a pair of young birds somewhere.
  22. Yeah I'm thinking when we have a couple of days rain might be the problem, I'd imagine thats when theyl start wrecking the lawn.
  23. I have a nice size garden, it's about 45 metres long 15 wide so I was hoping with a largish area they wouldn't completely destroy the grass. I'm going to buy a dozen eggs online if I hatch a few ill sell some and keep a pair to start. I'm glad they stand up to cats the neighbours have a couple. Was thinking about getting a big paddling pool fitting a plug and digging a big soakaway underneath so it can be drained and cleaned easily.
  24. I've heard up to 200 eggs a year for runners.
  25. Yeah i did consider that but I really want to let them range over the garden. I dont think muscovies lay much either?
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