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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. I love longnets they open up spots I wouldn't be able to do as a solo ferreter. Your hob looks a lot like mine. Good pictures, Ive got to start taking a camera.
  2. Keep asking eventualy youl get a bit and often the permission owner will put you onto something else like a neighbouring farm, it gets to the point you've got land coming out of your ears.
  3. As well as that a ferret that isn't big enough to hold or kill a rabbit could cause you to dig several holes as the rabbit drags it around.
  4. That's true as annoying as the 4z nets are they do tangle rabbits up amazingly well. My preference is spun poly or braided nylon also happy to use 10z nylon, don't realy like hemp because I cant be bothered to dry it and as far as I know you cant get it in bright colours.
  5. Id have thought any ferret that doesn't stick for to long would do the job. As you say though we all work different.
  6. Ive had snipped hobs in with jills year round no problem, they only bothered them when they were in season.
  7. If youre thinking 2 jills and a hob then a vecectomised hob would be a better idea, as well as a worker your hob could also take your jills out of season.
  8. So it is to do with diet. Amazed Ive never noticed it before. Cheers
  9. Thanks peter just googled it and it seems the urine can turn blood red dependant on what the rabbit has fed on. The livers look terrible though so Ive chucked the lot out just in case its something that could make the ferrets ill.
  10. Realy? Ive seen it dark orange before but this looked like blood.
  11. Ok Ive been ferreting sheep fields today and had all the usual problems with tapeworms. I usualy freeze these and feed them to the ferrets. But whats realy worrying me is every rabbit I caught had a very light pink almost white patchy liver. I assume this is liver fluke, will freezing kill fluke or should I bin the lot to be safe? Also when I was peeing the rabbits 1 of them had very dark orange urine and anothers urine looked like pure blood. Im thinking its best to chuck the lot out just wanted to get another opinion or 2 before I waste them.
  12. about half 8 or 9 so not to early. Best to give the rabbits time to get back into their warrens Id have thought.
  13. Or rehome them with someone who wants to keep a ferret or two as pets.
  14. If people put a bit of thought into which ferrets they breed from there would be a lot more decent ferrets about. Its the idea some people have that all ferrets are workers that's the problem because they breed whatever they have, breed for working ability over colour size or anything else.
  15. I get them in my shed chewing everything up every winter. Usualy I use chocolate as bait but didn't have any so tried peanut butter which they nicked without setting the trap off then a piece of donut same thing, so I got a fruit pastel and taped it onto the trap Ive had 4 mice in the past couple of weeks on the same bait.
  16. Not sure if its just the photo but that ferret looks huge, good worker?
  17. I wouldn't be without hobs I prefer them to jills on most of my land. I don't see the fact that hobs can hold and kill rabbits to be a big problem but then most of the warrens on my land aren't to deep. I have a medium sized jill here that is expert at killing rabbits and If I had a ferret that never killed id say it wasn't keen enough to be doing the job. The only 2 problems I see with hobs is they cant pass through purse nets without dragging them down and they aren't interested in working early or late in the season because their minds are on mating (castration could cure that).
  18. That's my hob in my avatar, probably cant see the size of him from that but Id say hes slightly bigger than average. I love using him anywhere Im using longnets.
  19. You do need the collars on fairly tight last thing you want is a ferret slipping the collar off underground. Its worth making extra holes in the collars to get them just right for the size of the ferrets neck.
  20. Good the first one I made I had rabbit heads at knee level lol.
  21. Don't know how long yours are norseman but I found after a bit of trial and error the shorter the better so youre carrying the rabbits high on your shoulder.
  22. They look good. Ive made a couple and they've lasted well. at the point I stopped braiding I whipped on some spun poly for about an inch and got it realy tight and neat and then painted it with nail varnish which set it hard.
  23. Out of all the purse nets Ive ever found only one was usable, it was a 3.5ft shaped spun poly net which I still have. All the others have been 4z nylon or rotten hemp.
  24. Had a realy nice frost on boxing day, the cover in my area has started collapsing last couple of weeks. Supposed to go down to -2 next 3 nights. Hoping for some realy cold weather for the next month or so. I packed in around the beginning of January last season because there was a lot of young about, this season Ill keep going towards the end of February regardless because I still have a fair bit to do.
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