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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. Id breed one and get the other jabbed or mated with a snipped hob. Ferrets don't need 2 mothers to grow strong and healthy.
  2. I use them in thick brambles. They do clog but theyre not expensive so you can carry a few and change them a couple of times through the day. I put mine on an elastic band rather than the collar in case they snag on something underground.
  3. True it is better to cull ferrets than send them off to bad homes but if its a litter that didn't need to be bred then it still seems wrong to me. If youre culling part of the litter from the jill you wanted to breed from then I don't see why the few kits you keep will need 2 mothers.
  4. Whats the point in breeding from a jill only to cull the entire litter? I can understand culling a few out of one litter but to breed an entire litter just so the first litter has 2 mothers seems a bit cruel and pointless to me.
  5. Id consider it if it was a small litter, wouldn't want 13 kits though.
  6. I think they should only be able to use them only in dangerous situations. I watched a program the other night, an old lady was asleep in her bed when she hears someone trying to get into her house, police turn up and the bloke jumps on top of the womans car and starts swinging at everyone with a pair of garden shears, police tazered him and took him in job done. That's the kind of situation that warrants their use imo.
  7. Anytime now, I have 2 jills one has been in season a couple of weeks the other hasn't come in yet.
  8. He sounds like a prick but its a funny vid lol.
  9. Think this will be ok ,they tend to muller the softer plants Elodea etc,these fancy goldfish spend most of their lives trying to swim properly True that. I used to have lionheads and redcaps, they occasionaly used to float I was told its because they gulp loads of air while they eat off the surface. Id love some more fancy goldfish one day, I could watch them for hours.
  10. This shows getting a bit better, theyre at least trying to hunt with the bow now even if they are failing so far. The young bloke JP came close to some wild boar on last nights episode but wasn't allowed to take the shot in case they attacked, was a shame, I was hoping he was going to get something after everyone calling him a lazy fecker. I can see Mike leaving very soon but other than that I think the rest will be in to the end.
  11. The sheep marker I used didn't rub off on anything it just stayed on the ferret. I used it on 3 out of 4 albino jills, blue on all of them, one between the shoulders one on the middle of the back one on the base of the tail and one I didn't do anything to.
  12. Here http://rabbitcontrol.org/dvds/
  13. Ive used sheep marker spray before when I had 4 albino jills. Introduce your hobs on neutral ground, maybe let them meet in your shed or garage.
  14. A bloke down my road has a boerbel I wouldn't mess with that thing. As a guard dog I don't think you can beat a rotty or Doberman myself.
  15. That's some serious progress from day one. Felt a bit sorry for the dog lol.
  16. Definitely not now, the older hob will be in season and try to mate with the kit. Late August to mid September he should be out of season and the kit will be well grown on.
  17. I like the karate midget idea, you get an intruder release the midget and shout SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND like pacino in scarface. A flock of geese sound like a good idea.
  18. This is a hunting forum AthenaNocturna you will \be lucky to find show ferrets here. What does ferret pedigree mean anyway?
  19. Pretty amazing at that age. I heard a couple of years back hed died? might be wrong.
  20. You obviously don't know much about maths either .... Your only aloud 3 items ......... lol I missed that bit.
  21. Knife, machete, few snares some string for making bird traps maybe and a catapult . Don't know to much about survival but would like to try it one day.
  22. Looking forward to the next one, Ive subscribed.
  23. Yeah that was pathetic, the second someone else took the lead he stamped his feet and left. The young bloke, I forget his name will be next to go I think.
  24. As you say it is easy to criticise from your sofa but I believe I could do better than that line up lol. I remember now they did have the expert in there showing them how to light a fire etc in the beginning. Im starting to wonder if anyones going to make it all the way.
  25. Yeah that is a bit of a draw back but it would save me building extra hutches to separate them in the spring, so I suppose it balances out money wise.
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