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Everything posted by psm

  1. read the post mate then youll see , i only wanted a reply by pm and i got nothing,i was kind enough to tell him i bought one the day after ,then people mail me asking if hes replied to me ?read it then pm me if you have anything to say
  2. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: no manners and you tell lies
  3. you were online mate dont give that shit you were using personal messenger and then said you were gonna put pics up later which you did , after 15-30 mins it says off line as it throws you off even when you leave page open, only two faced tw@t is you , like i said ive no intrest in your dog and i believe eveything you say bout stuff going up your arse fellow as you talk out of it whats a matter you having a cry because you didnt get a puppy you will have to make best of that shit you just bought or was that another free one you havent got time to reply to a pm mate but you have time t
  4. i aint got a clue mate ,it was for nowt......its just gonna be trained for lamp and wabbits koker
  5. you were online mate dont give that shit you were using personal messenger and then said you were gonna put pics up later which you did , after 15-30 mins it says off line as it throws you off even when you leave page open, only two faced tw@t is you , like i said ive no intrest in your dog and i believe eveything you say bout stuff going up your arse fellow as you talk out of it
  6. smart looker that mate didnt see this threag else i would have added on here
  7. a couple of pics of new pup at 18 week picked up yesterday
  8. i honestly can say this thread is of a useless purpose and he doesnt reply to any one,hes been online when people have mailed him,me being one of the 1st,i have talked to 4 people on this thread and not one as had a reply kingkong change your name username mate , to messer no1 or kingjoker - king of bullsh*t, explain yourself why you dont reply to some descent people offering the bitch a good home i have no intrest in the bitch and said so further in the post,but im intrested when your online you dont reply to people ? are you trying for popularity because im sure your going to be followe
  9. he just dosnt reply to anyone why???? same here , maybe hes trying to get a auction bidding wars, ive pmd and no reply strange are well ive picked one up today , but i know mick he'll be in a top home with you mate and not a young kids pass the parcel , hope he replys to you bud as it wont be in better hands
  10. i got an 11 month old here smashes dropped rabbits very good mouth which a lot of purebreds aint got 500 pm if interested thats not a very nice thing to do mate and a bit cheeky , im sure if shoe was on other foot you wouldnt like it, its robbing some ones post this mate what they have paid for
  11. are you pm me for gun aswell mate you asked for phone number ., and then never phoned whats all that about?
  12. what colours sky then :laugh:
  13. it could have been asked in pm,........ and for the fellows age it states hes no kid hes a retired bloke whos taking hunting back up after his retirement it states this in his post mate , i personally didnt see or read anything bad in is reply???? but responce was quite rude. saying hes blown his chances and that you was offering him a day out ???but you nether offered him anything ??? maybe you should have said ill take you out mate just need a few questions answering and a landline number to see if your a genuine bloke you can trust,
  14. Maybe i have a different opinion because i hunt myself for sport and numbers and big bags mean nothing to me, but i think its the arseholes you saw cheering and jumping up and down when i hare got pulled down at the likes of the Waterloo that got coursing banned, not the man who was there to watch a dog pit his skills against that of the hare to see which one would come off the winner. Every genuine sporting coursing man loves to see a good hare get away, thats why we respect them so much afterall thats why i said depends which way you look at it.......it was the tv and media hype with th
  15. 27 tts 75 to 85 pound my guess feck me i will need a saddle then next year mines 28 tts he was like yours at that age,dont be put off mine can catch rabbits,i will ask psm to put a pic up for you,of my dog tomoz PICTURES PUT ON FOR HICKYMICK
  16. depends which way you look at it, a load of people and hounds on one fox was mentioned as sport and was publisized and televisioned a lot of antis and people viewing didnt like this and found it cruel,,,in the media and news it was allways mentioned as sport on the hunt and this is one of the reasons for banning hunting in certain ways, so in my belief and opinion this as so called sport was the downfall of hunting, it wasnt the lurcher lads and stalkers or your normal run of hunters that got the media and the ban , it was sport and no one could see why people should kill for the sport of it
  17. what a load of jealous envious moaning lot you are, give him credit were credits due, whats up are you scared on losing out on something, good traps mate
  18. ok you got me why would you poach if you have loads nd loads nd loads of land why risk all your land nd permish,lol come on kid think about it, looks like pit tops around here,like the pics of the dead game stashed though mate
  19. ahahahah ill give you the scopes , silencer and bottle fetch your £350
  20. ok no ones intrested hes told me £500 no offers or timewaisters collection only face to face,very cheap set up for some one
  21. I have ferrets myself ste, i know the rabbits are living there, coz theres new holes every time i go up bud, It would be easy for me to take the ferrets and the shotgun and just bolt them and blast them, but i wanted a bit of a challenge lol Looks like you got yourself a challenge then millsy, best of luck with it, dont forget to let us know how you get on with them. i think A lamp one nite is on the cards . .atb. .ste. they will come out into the field and dig for fresh shoots even in snow or frozen ground,but most will be under the edges feeding and wont venture out so makes it
  22. put it on fleabay you'll double that
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