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Everything posted by psm

  1. must have thought you was going to shoot airplanes out of the sky,,,,think they got aload of free work mate then came up with a very poor excuse,, id go back and say ive been to police and they said it would be no problem to use air rifles now so ill do the vermin now mate ,with all that free work you had off me ya cant say no.....or repay favour in a different way
  2. heres mine 15 mth done nowt yet,just starting
  3. penning it out side isnt going to help matter mate it needs alot of attention and praise and needs socailising more with you and others,it sounds like you might have got runt of litter and maybe been bullied alot in penn - shed,
  4. Where abouts in the country is Boston mate? Not boston spa is it? lincolnshire,
  5. yeah done all that in past when it was leagal :thumbs:but get sick of the rules on here?
  6. all ways got one darting through garden and between houses but its too fast,got a pic through window but not very good
  7. Hi there from another 2 Sloughis brother Dja and aunty Chabs looks like it can shift to me
  8. spice the brindle one for me robin , all nice though good pics too lass
  9. psm

    BSA R10

    think your box is full mate
  10. im sure he will make a good pet and dont be put off by some on here, you dont have to work the dog family pet?
  11. sj410 or sj13 are good little 4x4s if thats what you mean?? 2 grand will get you a frontera diesel there ok and be good for the 300 mile trip, should get you a descent year model aswell
  12. this seems to have strayed off poor lasses posting of her dog for sale,if i was her id be pissed off............all the best with sale with your dog........dangergirl
  13. why dont they stick to there posts then and visa versa why dont they stick to there posts and visa versa problem solved no arguing.....long dog men there topics lurcher men theres
  14. nowt wrong with a bit of doggy style
  15. some icicles those mate great pic
  16. well me dogs 16mth old whetton grey kills hares for fun wouldnt even slip me dog in the snow to easy to cath? as a fecking pug could cacth em how do ya know there too easy to catch in snow mate if ya never done it :whistling:looks like ya must have tryed to know this ,ah never mind ya give it away
  17. im not pulling gun down its a cracking gun both daystate and theobun raps.they both had plus and negs,and it was quite a hard descition which to keep i really liked the mag on the air ranger and balance was good,the rapids mags arent that good and mine being one of the early models with large air capacity feels front heavy and off balance to me,it was in .177 aswell the air ranger,,,but down at gun club rifle range out of the guns nothing was more accurate than the logun dominator in .22 which i was really shocked with,, at 35 yrds it would group pellet on pellet daystate second and rapid 3rd
  18. top pic is sparrow hawk mate;yeh theres some great spots along there for jumping
  19. check the inlet valve o ring mate on the gun were you fill up,your not putting a great lot of air in with one of those pumps anyway so you wouldnt tell were it was leaking from ask a mate to fill it with is bottle then youll ear the air escaping,,if you do get some air in with bottle and it escapes slowly but dont know were from try a balloon over end of barrell see if it fills the baloon over nite goodluck
  20. wing shape looks wrong and i dont think its a comrant as they have long necks ,but im a bit puzzled as i didnt know it was there ?
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