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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. I'd like to hear Tommos view on this? I couldn't hit a women if I wanted to personally, and i won't stand for it in my presence either.
  2. try being nicer to them? Lol
  3. Still being in the process of moving house, it turns out that for the last 13 years with the Mrs we have been collecting a good few vans worth of total crap! lol have I thrown it away to make things easier? No! It might still come in useful for something lol ?
  4. It was found by the Land Owner and as far as i know shes keeping it or at least until someone comes forward that says they own it and to explain why they was on her Property fair enough dai, I didn't have you down as that kind of guy finders keeper mate
  5. You there yet gl? I'm waiting for the write ups! Lol ?
  6. So you've nicked somebody's camera? Bit out of order in my opinion mate, no pat on the back from me I'm afraid.....
  7. I don't know about that, I wouldn't want to eat a fighting bull because of the meat taint from it still having it's bollocks let alone the adrenaline. I have noticed that deer shot after being bumped or the ones that need shooting again taste... it's difficult to describe, a little bitter perhaps? I can't tell the difference at all myself and I've eaten a few that probably had a good bit of adrenaline in them. was just thinking that? Do deer caught by dogs taste worse than shot deer? Pre ban of course
  8. Looks a fair fish GL! What size was that? Good luck anyway buddy
  9. sure not long no ago you said you were athiest and not Muslim?
  10. I don't understand the joke anyway lol
  11. Ha ha baw!!!! Welcome back lad
  12. Bloody hell!!! It's taken me nearly 2 days to catch up with this crap lol seeing some members in a different light that's for sure! Lol
  13. seen them make a right cock up of shooting a cow that escaped from Kendal auction mart! Took 5-6 shots with a rifle before it fell over and the vet finished it with a bolt gun. Bloody cow running round the cricket field with half its head hanging off! Don't no why they didn't just stick one in the engine room! Seemed they really wanted a headshot?
  14. i think with the pit, it's sealed and there wouldn't be any oxygen for it to actually burn? Your cooking on residual heat I think, hence the rocks.
  15. This thread had a cleanup? lol nice pups jase
  16. I expected a whippet puppy to look more whippet like - longer, leaner features.Obviously not as conditioned as an adult dog but, at least bearing some kind of resemblance. I'm no expert and, I'm happy to be corrected but, this one just looks too meaty in the head. Yep ,its a bonny pup and you might be right ,but I have seen/bred a few whippet litters and most of them could pass for staff pups until they're 6or 7 weeks old ,just seems a bit too young to write it off as definitely not a whippet .atb i agree, id be worried if the pup did look like a whippet at that age lol it's a nice chunky
  17. Could have whippet in it? It's only a pup lol looks healthy enough anyway
  18. Medical attention should be withheld with terrorists! It's not like there's any doubt about his guilt ffs
  19. Plenty of sheepdogs eating dead lambs at this time of year, but they wouldn't be there if they went out killing them would they lol
  20. Excellent vid! Puts some pressure on that little bugger lol I'd love to have the time for falconry. Good find it must have limited views as it wouldn't work before.
  21. i want me one of those!!!!!
  22. that pretty much sums up some of the big ones I've nearly had! Lol you can just tell it's whopper and then the line goes slack! We've all had them, and I'll bet you fished that mark again? Just thinking it might come back and give you a second chance? Sat there watching the rod "I won't get so giddy this time, I'll play it properly" lol I still fish some spots where I've never had anything but a whopping bite!
  23. Glad your seeing a few again jiggy, am I right in thinking the forestry commission (or your equivalent) came and knocked most of them over a couple years ago?
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