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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. Was it choppy or r not to bad? Been blowing a bit up here and was thinking of you lot
  2. Fair play lads, bet your glad that's done
  3. Good luck kev hope the weathers good for you mate, you'll be glad to get this thing done and over with I bet! And well done getting the caravan sorted, it's a cracking spot to!
  4. I've decided I want a grill, a smoker and a pizza oven all in the same outdoor space, I'll also need a prep area and somewhere to keep the beers cold, then there's seating to think about? It's not gonna be a small project when you think about it! lol I'll just make it up as I go along and see what happens, that's what I normally do
  5. im going to build an outside kitchen this summer to, I laid a concrete base yesterday after work and have some stone to use at the weekend hopefully. trying to do it on the cheap tho so will be using what's available lol ?
  6. If your setting lines on the beach just make sure you are the first one there when the tide goes out! There people out walking the dogs at all times of day and night and some greedy dogs!
  7. Ha ha I bet you were sniggering away and just having childish fun when you made that griff, I no I would be lol
  8. cheers jok, I'll get on it this weekend I've a few bits of wood for your project that you can take back with you if you do call in mate
  9. Is it to late for me to plant anything now? Just got my new patch rotorvated. Would really like some spuds. I'm new to growing stuff lol the last time I grew anything, I smoked it! And that was a good few years ago lol
  10. Sod Adam ant! Air gun ant quite fancys this lol! Nice work griff, has it sold yet?
  11. yeah heard that after milling, sycamore should be seasoned on end otherwise it goes mouldy apparently? I havnt milled any yet so can't really comment other than what I've read on arbtalk forum lol
  12. how much do you need jok? Not got a lathe at the moment but I do have a few good lumps of wood that were given to me by an old guy who's father did a bit of woodturning before he died. I have one particular peace that would probably chip my chisels! Almost petrified it's that hard! And it's bloody heavy, havnt a clue wtf it is tho! Lol
  13. how much do you need jok? Not got a lathe at the moment but I do have a few good lumps of wood that were given to me by an old guy who's father did a bit of woodturning before he died. I have one particular peace that would probably chip my chisels! Almost petrified it's that hard! And it's bloody heavy, havnt a clue wtf it is tho! Lol
  14. ha ha not an artistic bone in my body jok! Lol and time wise it was about 2 hours to get to that stage, the hard bits gonna be the sanding and tidying up the wood etc
  15. Bench isn't finished, still needs sanding and oiling and rough Edges trimming up etc but to be fair there's only so much you can do with a chainsaw lol
  16. Got a couple lumps of ash to play with tomorrow, not the biggest but the saw hast been used in ages and I need a bench for outside lol ? pics to follow so long as it's not pissing down tomorrow
  17. How's it going? Can't get anything to work!
  18. Have a look at kayakfishinguk.co.uk or speak to whitevanman on here mate geth will keep you right
  19. you can't catch every time mate, is that you back home again now GL?!
  20. good stuff kev! Looks bloody tasty to lol hoping to scope a few fishing spots around here this summer, I'm surrounded with trout fisheries etc but I need to get to the coast
  21. its supposed to have come with a 36 month free gift? Is it a card or something? As there was no card with it?
  22. shorts, t-shirt, flip flops and a hat
  23. I was told of a lad at work that if I bought one of these I would get all the sky channels but it's arrived today and all I can get is pretty much free view and locked channels? Any idea what I need to do to unlock the sky channels? It's supposed to have a 36 month free gift etc I'm getting pretty annoyed with it lol ?
  24. I've just moved to the area and am led to believe there is a few idiots about. Makes getting new permission even harder!
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