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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. Thinking of the wrong person sorry mate lol Atb to you and your Mrs tho! I'm sure he will do you proud!
  2. Congrats mate, another fine knife maker in the making I'm sure (and I'm jelous of the hair to lol)
  3. Not the finished article...... But she lives!!!!
  4. I'm gonna make a start on mine this afternoon if the weather holds out. Has anybody else made one? Any pics etc looking for a few ideas, I've had my bottle full of water for 2 days so hopefully won't blow myself up! But just incase, it's been nice chatting to you lads lol
  5. That first picture made me feel stoned! And it's been years since I've had any weed lol cracking bit of work
  6. We were night fishing at Jenny Browns point in Silverdale, on a little peninsula thing probably 20ft by 30ft and my mate fell of the the side only about 12ft but he broke his back, he's ok now tho but won't come fishing again lol
  7. Get it out and cut a cross section, see what the grains like?
  8. Was the engine running when it went in the water? If so its a pretty safe bet that it's fooked unfortunately mate
  9. Mate caught one of the isle of raasay at beginning of Feb, just the one tho, so think it might of been lost lol
  10. they sound like right little tw*ts! Cheers for that Bb I'll be keeping a closer eye on mine from now on, as I must admit I'm not exactly religious when it come to flea and tick treatments lol I can never remember when I last did them, but they will be getting a dose now
  11. Just been talking to my neighbor and he's warned me about some foreign ticks in the north west? Killed a couple of dogs already apparently?ive not heard anything myself but he said it was on the local news, has anybody on here heard anything or have any info?
  12. That car was impressive through the cones
  13. My brother and I once found a very young chick that had fallen out of a nest when we were kids, and decided to try and raise it. The minute my dad pulled in to the drive after work he got a puncture lol but he couldn't help but smile when his 5/6 year old lad was trying his bloody hardest to build a hutch lol nails all over the drive, hammer in hand, I'd made kindling out of most of the timber for the extension he was building! But spent a couple of hours building a small hutch and spoke to vets etc and after feeding little gutsy eggs (of all things? ) I ended up with a little song thrush us
  14. Sure this has been on here before, but .....,, The second one made me cry with laughter, I s**t you not... Here are some customer comments from Amazon from people who used Veet for Men hair removal gel . Some of them are worthy of shortlisting for a Booker Prize . Hilarious . Most Helpful Customer Reviews 31,622 of 32,007 people found the following review helpful DO NOT PUT ON KNOB AND BOLLOCKS By Andrew on 24 Jan 2012 Being a loose cannon who does not play by the rules the first thing I did was ignore the warning and smear this all over my knob and bollocks. The bollocks I
  15. Get yourself a catapult and have some fun with the dogs if your like me you'll never hit owt anyway! Lol he reminds me of my old one but different colours obviously
  16. Bonnie looking dog mate, how old? Just get him out on his own, and get a whistle. Walk him on the lead and randomly just stop walking and give a toot on the whistle. Not to often or it will just become a noise to him, praise when he stops etc then when he has that,try a long lead and you can bring in the recall aswell if your not wanting him for shooting? I do one toot on the whistle to stop and then to short peeps to come back. Stop means stop and look at me and then two peeps is come back, I don't really need much else and I shoot over mine lol I think the stop whistle is far more important
  17. There's two breeds of gundog in there mate, that's why he's after the pheasants lol and staffs can have a very high pray drive also. Sounds an interesting dog to be fair mate try get the stop command installed and take him shooting!
  18. plankits an old running joke mate going back to thread on here lol
  19. What kind of dog is it mate?
  20. A good mate of mine has anxiety and depression and just about everything else, when he comes to stay at mine he's like a walking pharmacy lol he says it really sorts his head out when He comes to mine and I drag him out fishing, boating, camping hunting etc coz otherwise he just sits at home dwelling and thinking about shit, I don't no if it's the amount of drugs we all took when younger that seem to have long lasting effects to some people? Any way he's really turned a corner with it all now and seems really quite happy in himself, I don't no if its the medication is finally starting to help,
  21. ha ha yep I no that feeling lol this was my first actual project, I've only ever pissed about with scrap in the garage before so I was quite pleased with the outcome
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