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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. Also I really need to sort a load of sedges out if anybody has a miracle cure?
  2. As per title really? I like to make things when I can tho lol I was thinking of a 45 gallon drum filled with concrete with a decent bit of bar cast in through the middle? Then I could weld a frame and put a tow hitch etc on but Would it be to heavy? I need to get it in the pickup to get it to the fields but once it's there it can stay there, and it would be dragged behind a quad as we don't have a tractor lol
  3. when was the weather nice?!?!? I must of missed it lol
  4. didnt realise you could get stainless rods? Nice one joe. I was thinking of trying a dragons head to go at the top of the chimney so when flames shoot out the top it looks like it's breathing fire! Lol but I'm shite at drawing so will need to get our las to draw me a stencil
  5. I've an aldi grinder that packed in the other day lol it's the stick welder that apparently, you can get a tig torch that you put in instead of the normal one, that has a tube and reg for a little argon bottle?
  6. Not just you mate!!! I've about 12ft of 4x4 in the garage that I can bring myself to turn lol
  7. I got one of them cheep plasma cutters off ebay a few years back and worth every penny and more! Watch it when you sink it into a gas bottle though, washed the one in the pic out with hot soapy water and let it soak, hosed it out and it still went with a thump when i made the first cut. the plasma is a real toy I must admit lol think I'll still go in quietly with the grinder first before I let rip with the plasma. I got mine from a company called " r-tech welding " and it's spot on! I got a new portable stick welder to, and it knocks the socks of the aldi one I had before! (Not surprising rea
  8. I got one of them cheep plasma cutters off ebay a few years back and worth every penny and more! Watch it when you sink it into a gas bottle though, washed the one in the pic out with hot soapy water and let it soak, hosed it out and it still went with a thump when i made the first cut. the plasma is a real toy I must admit lol think I'll still go in quietly with the grinder first before I let rip with the plasma. I got mine from a company called " r-tech welding " and it's spot on! I got a new portable stick welder to, and it knocks the socks of the aldi one I had before! (Not surprising rea
  9. F***ing hell gin! You no your shit lol is it a bit like iroko? Really fine grain? And dusty as fook? (Only going on iroko I've turned) imagine holly to be similar Atb ant
  10. Make sure it's empty! Lol then get a hammer and a bit of bar and just keep knocking the valve anti clockwise till it unscrews, then turn it upside down (gas is heavier than air) for a few hours, then I turn it right way round and fill it with water to force any air/gas out and leave it full for a day or 2, then empty and cut mate. They still smell tho so go in gently lol I've not blown up yet but I've only done 2 and that's how I did them. Heliums fine tho, and there in ideal camping size
  11. building a smoker for the fishing forays mate should be a good summer!
  12. My new plasma cutter arrived the other day and my god! What a toy! Lol I don't no how I got anything done with just a grinder lol got a few more bottles sat full of water so the next ones gonna be a desegnated smoker also those little helium bottles you can get for blowing up balloons kick out some heat!
  13. I've seen those waste oil burners on YouTube, they look good but I don't get much waste oil and it would just be another thing to blow myself up with so I'll leave them for now lol
  14. thats how I do it with an iPhone mate, sometimes have to email them to myself first and bring the size down to less than 500mb tho
  15. Have good one Brian! You lucky sod lol
  16. ha ha! Now that looks ready to take off! Well done
  17. Did they fight then? I thought it was cancelled and changed the channel lol who won?
  18. I don't like chocolate, I don't no if I have sensitive teeth but chocolate hurts as soon I start to chew! Nothing else does tho?so I just avoid chocolate lol
  19. Hope he's ok, the lad showed real grit and determination, it was the best fight I've seen in ages, he actually wanted to be there, and he was there to fight! Unlike some of the other crap I've seen lately lol
  20. ha ha! I had to wait till 12 or my breath may of caused an explosion lol That's why there is a sleeve on the chimney, So that I can interchange from a chimineer to a smoker, I just havnt bought the bricks and mortar for that bit yet lol
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