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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. Good on you nick, and glad to have you back on here. Lifes to short for stress mate, and stress makes you die early! Good luck with the move, I'd love to do it and I'm just trying figure out some kind of work where I'd like to live. I don't need a load of cash, just enough is fine with me. No point being the richest man in the graveyard my friend! Atb for the future, in sure your family will thankyou in years to come
  2. 9 lol but I've only been once for a day and I was working so it doesn't count
  3. i had one of them for a few days, then I forgot where I'd put it?
  4. nope but sounds fun lol god I need a new job!
  5. It's a very occasional thing for me nowadays, but I like to keep things 'light' if I do, I have responsibilities now ;-) For over ten years I only ever smoked it neat in a variety of ways in as many different situations I could do it in. All or nothing. Some very interesting times & sometimes anxious times haha.... thats what I used to love the most, engineering some new kind of smoking device! Lol testing it on a friend and watch them promptly chuck a whitey and throwing their ring up lol yeah LOL mayonaise jars and whatever car arials were the 'mode' at the time & what size sock
  6. Tbh mate.....most of my best mates I still have today, drugs were the common thread between us.......maybe not now, but the friendship has remained ;-)same here mate
  7. Has anybody else noticed how this thread hasn't de-railed, gone to bitching and calling for it to "go offline" Coincidence?
  8. Tried one and never got on with it really pal, don't like the hit from vaporising and prefer the feel of smoke, I just try keep the bacci to a minimum for my health.Yes mate had same problem take the smoke away from smoking dont itAye need the big lung expanding hit of smoke and the feel in your mouth and throat. Not great for your health but better than puffing a 20 pack of fags and sinking 10 pints on a night out light weight
  9. That's exactly what we did..........the portable version was with a bread bag taped to the bottom of the cut bottle. A lung.My pal once made a lung using a length of dryer hose with the bottom sealed and a funnel with a downstem stuck into it over the top, was fecking mental you can't knock the enginuitey of people that dabble with drugs, I reckon a lot of today's inventions wouldnt be here today if people didn't play about a bit?
  10. That's exactly what we did..........the portable version was with a bread bag taped to the bottom of the cut bottle. A lung.yeah but lungs were nowhere near as tasty rough as they come lol
  11. First time I used a coke can pipe was with some Nepalese street people in a back alley in Hong Kong......sat on a mattress! Haha..... .....I'm glad my mums not reading this....haha Classy stuff That's one of the things I like about drugs, you get into some fecked up situations with even more fecked up people aint that the f**king truth!
  12. Used to just burn a hole in side at the bottom of the bottle, finger over and fill with water, socket in the top, light and let go. Called it the "waterfall" nice and creamy
  13. It's a very occasional thing for me nowadays, but I like to keep things 'light' if I do, I have responsibilities now ;-) For over ten years I only ever smoked it neat in a variety of ways in as many different situations I could do it in. All or nothing. Some very interesting times & sometimes anxious times haha.... thats what I used to love the most, engineering some new kind of smoking device! Lol testing it on a friend and watch them promptly chuck a whitey and throwing their ring up lol yeah LOL mayonaise jars and whatever car arials were the 'mode' at the time & what size sock
  14. It's a very occasional thing for me nowadays, but I like to keep things 'light' if I do, I have responsibilities now ;-) For over ten years I only ever smoked it neat in a variety of ways in as many different situations I could do it in. All or nothing. Some very interesting times & sometimes anxious times haha.... thats what I used to love the most, engineering some new kind of smoking device! Lol testing it on a friend and watch them promptly chuck a whitey and throwing their ring up lol
  15. What happened to just getting stoned? Haha....I couldn't agree more ....just get it down ya! Lol ... I have mates and they will spend a hour just skinning up ...ffs crack on! if it wasn't for drug tests at work, I'd be melting in to the sofa right now! Lol I need a new job
  16. I feel rather under qualified to comment on this thread ?
  17. I'd love a go at that!
  18. I'm no expert but I have read that if you value your limbs then cross cutting with a ripping chain is a big no no. Not really a problem for me as that saw is to big to do anything but milling really lol I have a smaller saw for everything else, that's much lighter and easier to handle.
  19. I didn't no but I'll keep an eye on it? I've got the oil pump turn right up and I still don't think there is enough getting on the chain, the next mills going to have a gravity fed auxillery oiler also.
  20. No mate it's an old oak that's been dead for years, my dad wanted to chop it up for firewood! Needless to say he was impressed with the results lol most of it was rotten apart from the first 10ft so I got a 7 1/2ft log to play with and logged the rest up for him. There's a few tweaks to make to the mill now I've used it, but I think I'm going to make a new one anyway but this time it's going to be a carriage on a rail system I think there's a couple more dead trees up there to have a play with and I have a massive tree at a friends farm to mill up, I'm not sure what it is yet but it's been do
  21. Finally got chance for a little play yesterday so here's the results Bit rough but not bad for a first attempt. Just using the normal chain to because I've not bought a ripping chain yet lol
  22. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yzx0HTCuydg Soap bar!
  23. can I ask what your condition is mate? Pm if you prefer, but I am a firm believer in the medicinal benefits, and know a few people that use it for those reasons. I liked it because I got stoned, laughed my tits off, ate awesome food, had deep and meaningful conversations with people I'd never met before, and still wake up without a hangover!
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