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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. There's one in a pub in York, I think it was an earnest Hemingway quote? "Always do sober, what you said you'd do drunk..... It'll teach you to keep your mouth shut" I took a picture because I knew a lad that really needed to take heed of that advise lol
  2. think that bird got a bit more than it bargained for lol
  3. spot on, if its just the 2 of us in the house 6.30-7pm , but if we eating out sunday lunch 1 .30pm , but as above if i eat mid day and more so if i have couple lagers with it, if fecks me up, just want to keep on the couch , and waste that part of the day, which i hate to do, more so as ive got older if we're at my parents it's always 2/3ish if I do one at home it's usually around 9 when it all comes together, then it's just eat and sleep lol
  4. I'm no Fred flintstone but I could sure make your bed rock
  5. angle grind? Pffft! That's when the plasma cutter comes out to play lol I did some beer barrel planters for the local pub a couple of months ago and they really are looking good now the flowers are established.
  6. Industrial steam cleaner out of the gas bottles? TC ha ha I'm not sure I trust my welds enough to make a pressure vessel.....
  7. Right chaps, I've run out of things I "need" to make, and I can't think of much I "want" to make at the moment. So I'm looking for some inspiration, I've a big pile of scrap and a welder, any suggestions? Also got a few old gas bottles kicking around but I don't need another gas bottle stove/smoker lol so what can I make? I'm bored and I need something to do! Lol
  8. that pics made my day, let alone yours! Well done bud. I remember seeing a pic you posted of tig when you were out shooting a couple years ago, he's growing up fast mate! Atb
  9. lol "do you f**k on first dates? Does you dad own a brewery? Can I feel your tits? Or will you show em to me?"
  10. Do you like chocolate? Open your legs and I'll give you a boost! Do you like jewelry? Suck my c**k it's a gem!
  11. and? Please tell put the lasses mind at rest lol
  12. ohh and your a fanny btw lol
  13. i agree, we had one hiding in the house for months, every time I had a slight itch I just beat f**k out myself to be sure! But I'm sure it's still here some where Mwahh ha ha ha
  14. mine said 4 weeks when I took her, I had to ask again to lol it's A nightmare not getting them out. She said it's a new vaccine or somat?
  15. as much as I don't want to, I have to agree lol but I think he made it, not because he needed it, but just because he can, and I can relate to that.
  16. Done mate stick it the general section to mate, you may get a few more
  17. Spent an age planing and sanding yesterday and then tested the moisture content, 59%! That's gonna take a while lol oh well, at least I know now and can test now.
  18. Spent an age planing and sanding yesterday and then tested the moisture content, 59%! That's gonna take a while lol oh well, at least I know now and can test now.
  19. i got the exact same lol I think it's about right
  20. Oak? That's a bit posh. Haha. I was gonna go collecting and making a few when I'm up and about but can't guarantee they will be oak. Lol.i just happen to have a few oak boards lol the ones that warp or crack while drying will have a few off cuts? If you pay postage I'll send you some wood
  21. i only make them for myself, but I'm chewing blisters for week once I've made a couple.
  22. no mate sellafield is nuclear waste facility. But yes there is a few nuclear power stations over here.
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