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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. . I thought that putting them in the freezer was just to create the first frost effect, not so you can pick before there ripe, I sometimes don't see any frost, so I could not wait for the first one, I still have a few bags left from last year, I will start picking at the end of the month same with my rose hips, around me the signs are for an early autumn, and lots of the fruits are early as were mushrooms this year Maybe we got some crossed wires. You are right. Freezing them doesn't ripen them it just simulates the first frost. If they ain't ripe they ain't ripe. The frost has the effect
  2. he looks like good fun mate!
  3. if this cumbrian weather keeps up, i might get to try the new lamp later :)

  4. nice that ozzie, im choking back tears here!
  5. thankyou steve, you have just saved me some money
  6. Very nice! I'd quite fancy doing something like that, where was it? Any contact details? Cheers ant
  7. in your honest opinion, are they any good? The fact you've played with it once and are now selling it suggests not? I am tempted but I've bought plenty of shite before lol I was thinking of spotting rabbits for the dog before hitting them with the lamp in lamp shy areas?
  8. Got a photon here, I'm after a .410 sbs/ou or what have you got? I don't use it so it may aswel go. Think it's the older one 4x42 or something and I've got a t20 that can go with it. £220 posted or ideally a nice sbs .410 Lancaster area
  9. i got some to lol could help myself! I hate that shop, went to kill some time the other week and came out with an inflatable kayak and a hammock that I didn't need lol
  10. Glad you got her back mate, nowt worse than loosing a dog. Atb
  11. I'm tempted by the 120 but got the 150 to see how I get on with the LEDs I was going to order both but that's over £100 and I'm not sure I'll like them lol edited to add, if the 120 came with a filter I would of gone for that over the 150
  12. i can't remember TBH Dan, it was a few years ago. A fishing club bought the rights and started charging for day tickets so I've been for a few years. I think it's just a bit of cherry blossom of the water?
  13. my biggest carp came out the lancs canal 28 1/2 lbs also caught a lot of grassies from there on the other side of the motorway biggest was 21lbs but caught loads of mid teens. Had to fish stupid light for them, size 16 hook on a 4lbs hook length with a dog biscuit superglued to the hook and a couple split shot 3-4ft down the line to give a bit of casting weight and hold the bait against the (very slow) flow.
  14. Oh are these the same ones? Lol you rate the 120 better than the 150 don't you? Think I'd rather pay the £65 for the better lamp does the 120 come with a filter also?
  15. Anyone tried these? Seem to have good reviews, and a filter? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00OMVQHIM/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_200_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=9PKND5D3NKPS17XBAVJ6
  16. someone knows what they're doing
  17. yes you can still get it, but there's not much about lol I no one guy that only smokes resin, says he hates the smell of green. It's a lot more economic to lol
  18. yes you need a rod licence, and no you don't need a permit small no1 mepps, or maggot feeder you staying on park foot?
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